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Xpand pack-1- arpeges- xf.X3G e Xpand pack-1- arpeges- xs.X0G

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ciao a tutti.

1 Ho trovato questi 2 files di arpeggi nel sito di Moessieurs, ci sono arpeggi che mi interessano di chitarra e batteria. In apparenza, anche se hanno nomi diversi, mi pare che i 2 files contengano gli stessi arpeggi.

2 Vorrei sapere se gli arpeggi contenuti sono già presenti nei +10000 di modx o se sono in aggiunta (mi pare di si)

3 Poi non capisco perchè vengono caricati come librerie, e in quel modo , con soli 16 kb, tengono un posto utile che potrei destinare ad altre librerie di performances.

4 Adesso ho le idee un po' confuse: non riesco più a capire come potrei importare quei arpeggi negli user arpeggi in modo da liberare spazio nelle librerie.

5 avevo comperato la libreria "evolving soundscapes" di easy sounds e avevo importato le performances che mi interessavano.; vorrei sapere se gli arpeggi in esse contenuti sono entrati automaticamente nei +10000 arpeggi del modx, o ppure dove li posso trovare, se mi servono.

help! grazie

Posted : 10/01/2022 5:27 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Hi everyone.

1 I found these 2 arpeggios files on the Moessieurs website, there are arpeggios that interest me in guitar and drums. Apparently, even if they have different names, it seems to me that the 2 files contain the same arpeggios.

2 I would like to know if the contained arpeggios are already present in the +10000 of modx or if they are in addition (I think so)

3 Then I don't understand why they are loaded as libraries, and in that way, with only 16 kb, they hold a useful place that I could allocate to other performance libraries.

4 Now my ideas are a bit confused: I can no longer understand how I could import those arpeggios into the user arpeggios in order to free up space in the libraries.

5 I bought the easy sounds "evolving soundscapes" library and imported the performances that interested me .; I would like to know if the arpeggios they contain have automatically entered the +10000 arpeggios of the modx, or where I can find them, if I need them.

help! thank you

You will have to contact the Moessieurs website for details.
But a .X3G File is a Motif XF User Arpeggio file; while a .X0G File is a Motif XS file. This maybe the reason that two different versions of the same data appear (my guess).

When you load either one of these files (Arpeggio File) you will be loading data to the “Arp” memory — loading an Arpeggio file (a file that ends in the letter “G”, you will just be loading the Arpeggios in that file - it does not load any of the Voices that they were used in. This is significant, because often when loading data with arpeggios, usually they were made with a specific Voice in mind. This is why it is recommended to load the Motif XF Voice because doing so will automatically load the Arpeggios that it used.

[UTILITY] > touch “Content” > “Load” > set the “Content Type” = User
This will overwrite any User Arps that are currently in the User Bank

If you are given ALL data Files, Use them instead
If you are provided .X3A (Motif XF All File) or a .X0A (Motif XS All File) they will include all the User Arpeggios along with the Voices they were used with. This is most likely what you will want to do.

For example, if you load a Motif XF .X3A to the MODX — you could opt to load it temporarily to a LIBRARY location, then choose which Performance + Arpeggios you wish to keep:
Press [UTILITY] > touch “Contents” > “Load”
Set the “Content Type” = Library
Press [ENTER] and select to load “VOICES” > tap “OK”
The MODX will load all 512 User Voices and 32 Drum Kits as Single Part MODX Performances, and all the Arpeggios from that Library File will be installed to your instrument… and they will automatically be associated with their Single Part MODX Performances.

You can then play through this Library, program by program… Make note of the Performances+Arp you wish to keep… you will be able to then “import” the Performance and its Arpeggio to your USER Bank… using the “Library Import” feature:

Press [UTILITY] > touch “Contents” > “Library Import” > select the Library by name to view its contents…
Place a check mark next to each Performance you wish to keep.
Tap the box “Import to User Memory”

This will add these Performances to those currently in your User Bank (maximum of 640 in the Bank) and it will add the Arpeggios to your current User Arp folder.

Final step you can DELETE the temporary Library, SAVE your now expanded USER Bank as a new LIBRARY File for installation.

If you opt to load the Motif XF All File directly to the USER bank
Press [UTILITY] > touch “Contents” > “Load”
Set the “Content Type” = User
Press [ENTER] and select to load “VOICES” > tap “OK”
The MODX will load all 512 User Voices and 32 Drum Kits as Single Part MODX Performances, and all the Arpeggios from that Library File will be loaded to your instrument… and they will automatically be associated with their Single Part MODX Performances.
The Motif XF Voices will be turned into 544 MODX Performances, the Arpeggios will be loaded to the Arp Folder

The difference between LOADING to the Library, versus LOADING to the User Bank… if you choose to go to USER, it will overwrite the current User Performances and Arpeggios… and replace them with what is in the file.

It is your choice. When assembling data from several files you would use the Library Import.
If you just want the data separate from your other data, load directly to User.

Hope that helps.

Posted : 10/01/2022 9:39 pm
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grazie, mister!

Posted : 11/01/2022 8:25 pm
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Posted : 12/01/2022 4:42 pm

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