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Yamaha MODX8 (2021 model) - Question with "Divide Drum Track" to a Drum Pattern

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Hi all: I've been reading a bit on "Blake's Takes" article about dividing a drum pattern. When I get to "Edit/Job" in the MODX, then "Divide Drum Track," there's a warning message: "dividing the drum track makes new performance data. You can't undo this operation." 

Is this truly permanent?

I don't want to make any changes to the MODX. Usually I'll record something, then turn off the device - factory settings are intact. 

All I'd like to record is a drum pattern (in separate componants - snare, hi-hats, and so forth) in stereo or mono, one at a time to my Zoom R24 recorder. I'd be playing back the chosen drum sample and record each part separately to an individual track (then dump all files into the DAW for mixing).

I wanted to connect the MODX to Cubase AI 14, but it seems too complicated (many issues with getting it to work). Plus, the volume is too low to hear anything when playing back a performance.

Appreciate the responses. Thanks.

Posted : 17/02/2025 5:08 pm
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Just save the performance BEFORE dividing the drum track.

Posted : 18/02/2025 6:25 pm
Posts: 474
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Just save the performance BEFORE dividing the drum track.

The article says:

A new Performance is created when you use this Job because it creates additional Parts for each drum track

Since it creates a NEW performance you need to save the existing performance if you want it for later.

Posted : 18/02/2025 6:28 pm
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I had a reply but it got scarfed.   The old Motif was a little different in how it worked.  There was a user bank that came pre-loaded with content and you could over-write this factory data with your own.  Which was usually preferable back then.  Now days, the factory preset data is read-only.  You don't have to worry about overwriting anything in the factory data.  My other suggestion I had is already covered.  [STORE] ("save" ) the Performance you are currently editing before dividing the drum tracks if you want to be able to put humpty dumpty back together again the way it was before the divide.  I would name it with something at the end of the Performance name when you [STORE] the Performance like ".... PDD" (Pre Drum Divide) or some standard way you come up with to indicate it's before doing this.  Then you can [STORE] the final divided Performance without that "PDD" at the end and always be able to recall either if you want that down the line.


Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 20/02/2025 11:32 pm
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

Do a test run to make sure the 'Divide Drum Track' splits things up the way you need them.

These are the main things to be aware of:

1. If you have made changes to the performance you are about to do the 'divide' on you should save it first

2. The one starting drum part will get split into 8 parts that will occupy parts 9-16. That means that any content you had in parts 9-16 won't be there anymore - hence the need to have a saved copy

3. Each of the new parts 9-16 might contain MORE THAN ONE drum/perc sound/key

----- #1 and #2 -----

The 'Divide Drum Track' won't overwrite any of the preset data because all of that is in read-only memory. But the 'divide' operation is GUARANTEED to replace parts 9-16 in their entirety. So if you have any unsaved changes in those parts you need to save your performance before you do the 'divide'.

----- #3 -----

A drum kit could have up to 73 different sounds/elements. But only 8 new parts (parts 9-16) will be created to contain the results of the 'divide'. Some of those 73 elements will end up on the same part 9-16.

Bad Mister, (see the links in my previous thread, said that the HiHat Closed, HiHat Pedal and HiHat Open will end up on the same track.

If that isn't what you want then the 'Divide' operation alone may not solve your problem.

Bad Mister also seemed to suggest that those 8 parts will initially sound the same. In order for that to be true the 'divide' operation would need to put ALL 73 sounds (if used) in one of the 9-16 parts.

We haven't tested but it is possible that some of those 73 sounds may actually get dropped and not appear at all in any of parts 9-16.

That is why you need to make a test run to make sure that parts 9-16 get split up the way you want.

You may also run into issues if the drum keys you are using don't used the standard key assignments for the 8 basic drum sounds. Sometimes that can be solved by remapping a key to one of the standard 8 positions.

Do a simple test run by playing each of the drum keys you plan to use several times and then to the 'divide' operation to make sure they get split up the way you want.

Please post the results of your test and let us know how it went. 

Posted : 21/02/2025 5:41 am
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Posted by: Jason

I had a reply but it got scarfed.   The old Motif was a little different in how it worked.  There was a user bank that came pre-loaded with content and you could over-write this factory data with your own.  Which was usually preferable back then.  Now days, the factory preset data is read-only.  You don't have to worry about overwriting anything in the factory data.  My other suggestion I had is already covered.  [STORE] ("save" ) the Performance you are currently editing before dividing the drum tracks if you want to be able to put humpty dumpty back together again the way it was before the divide.  I would name it with something at the end of the Performance name when you [STORE] the Performance like ".... PDD" (Pre Drum Divide) or some standard way you come up with to indicate it's before doing this.  Then you can [STORE] the final divided Performance without that "PDD" at the end and always be able to recall either if you want that down the line.


That's good to know! I'm not looking to overwrite the factory settings.



Posted : 07/03/2025 10:50 pm
Posts: 1
New Member

Yes, the "Divide Drum Track" operation in the Yamaha MODX is permanent in the sense that it modifies the performance data and cannot be undone. However, it does not affect factory presets—only the specific performance you are editing. If you power off the MODX without saving, it will revert to its previous state.

Posted : 12/03/2025 5:32 pm
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

It isn't possible to overwrite the factory presets.

 I'm not looking to overwrite the factory settings.

Only the performance (preset, library, user) in the edit buffer is affected when you perform edits. Then if you 'store' the edit buffer that edited performance will be saved to your user area regardless of where the original performance was stored.

Posted : 17/03/2025 4:24 pm

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