I 've made some few test with my Montage 8 and Cubase AI8 with the cool video tutorial made by Phil and with the 4 tutorials available from this site.
Like the example made by Phil, I made a short sequence with 4 measure and 4 parts (without arp), just 4 instruments (drums, bass, Keyboard and Lead)
I've setting up my Montage and Cubase like the video and the recording process is ok.
Cubase Preferences are also set up from the Getting Started Guide (midi filter and midi files option)
I've just encountered one problem:
It's about dissolved tracks: Once I've made my short sequence (port one, Midi track is set on Any, etc) when I want to dissolved the midi track in four track, the windows where I should select "dissolved by track" is blank: I only can dissolved by "pitch notes".
My 4 instrument are recorded and I can see the midi data in the midi track
The fact is that I was able to dissolved by midi channel only one time, but since, I 'm no longer able to changed it again, even with my new sequences made from scratch.
I 've made a new test this evening and the problem remain the same....
If someone could help me....please
Best regards from France
Take the "Glue" tool, you may have your tracks separate but on top of each other. Click on the track data with the glue tool to make them a single block.
Hello Phil,
Many thanks for your help
I've made an other test today (always with 4 parts) and I was able to dissolve parts as the "separate channel' was available from the dedicated window without using "Glue tool".
Don't really understand what happened during my previous test, but thanks for your kind help
It has to do with your settings - if you begin recording and at some point STOP and then restart, depending your Cubase settings the data will either go to a new layer or will be mixed in with what you have recorded previously.
If your MIDI RECORD MODE settings are set to NEW PARTS each time you engage record it will go to its own unique layer.
If your MIDI RECORD MODE settings are set to MERGE, however, each time you engage record it will go into a single layer (which is what you want - what you did with the GLUE tool was manually MERGE the data). If you want it to automatically MERGE - simply select that setting.
In the lower left corner of the floating TRANSPORT bar, you can click and set your MIDI RECORD MODE settings, these have everything to do with the behavior you are seeing.
Hope that helps.
Hello Phil,
Now, it's really more clear for me.
I've made a test with a new short sequence recorded in the Montage itself via the Performance Recorder and played on Cubase with a new midi track I've just made.
Then I created a drums track and a lead track and I wasn't able to dissolve them via the track channel option.
So I follow your great information and now I'm able to do that...and to understand why and how it works!
Thank you again Phil