Hi there. Can you please let me know how I can permanently assign the output of the A/D input to an assignable output? I tried assigning from the utility section. But the output changes when I change patches.
Thank you.
It's a feature for most users to be able to STORE a unique setting per Performance. You'll need to adjust so that this feature works for you.
The A/D Input can be an active part of the Montage synthesis engine in more ways than its predecessor (Motif XF). In addition to Volume, Pan, Effects (2 Insert, 2 System), Side Chain Modulation, Vocoder, routing can be customized and certain parameters can be assigned Montage controllers on a per Performance basis. This is a very awesome and flexible feature (and a long time request).. It can be used to derive tempo, it can be used as a modulation source, and there may be times you don't want to route it to any Outputs, but rather use the A/D as an Envelope Source for some other parameter to Follow, in the Envelope Follower.
You, to state your request, want to just pass through the keyboard to the AsgnOuts, probably you want add effects because the mixer you're using is lacking access to whatever effects you are using on the keyboard. I'm pointing this out so our sugesstion makes sense.
The keyboard is designed for the use case where the user can customize it for each Performance. There is no way to setup routing the A/D Input globally to the Assignable Outputs. The default is the Main L&R. You can assign the A/D to the Assignable Outputs for each Performance you use. That is the purpose of the USER Bank (640 locations)... to hold your custom setups.
This is on of those good news/bad news scenarios... it's programmable.
If you require a straight connection that doesn't change, avoid routing the signal through the keyboard... go directly to your mixer.
Thank you very much!!
You are the best!!