Hello Montage world,
Just ordered my Montage 8 at a superb price I may add. The price has always held me back before.
Are there any ambient sound libraries for the Montage?
I saw that KApro has an Epic composer library for the Kronos. Is there anything similar for Montage? That library sounds amazing to my ears.
I also have Omnisphere 2, which I love! Am I able to sample the Omnisphere 2 sounds into the Montage?
Thanks and I look forward to many great convos on here.
Take your time, there are currently 2036 Performances in your new Montage... before looking for more sounds, spend the first few days after you get it exploring the sounds. I think you will find Montage amazing to your ears!
Yeah sounds like a good idea. Will have lots to read and learn about the Montage. Not sure if I will get any sleep
I will also be creatig my own ambient sounds on the Montage as well.
Happy to see Kapro released libraries for Montage but me to hoping he will do those mentioned also.
I have EASY SOUNDS "Nature of Chill" and use it a lot.
Been having a blast making some lovely ambient tones.
@clive is that a Rhodesian Ridgeback pic?
I have a 4 month old Ridgeback.
Hi Andres,
I'm mainly into ambient as well.
He's a Ridgeback Doberman cross but mostly looks like a Ridgy.
Hello Andres! Prices always hold me back! Stuff always costs just a bit more than I have ... but I'm glad I coughed up (painfully) for Montage (if only a 7). Much depends on why you bought it though. It's not really a platform for listening to other people's sounds, wonderful though they are. t's not really a machine for arranging music either, competent though it is. It is primarily a synthesiser, so you can make your own sounds of whatever genre rings your bell - and there it is in a class by itself. As BM intimated, it takes a while to grasp enough of how it works to get at it - but then the possibilities expand exponentially. I would suggest Easy Sounds as a source of inspirational material supplementary to what is already on board. Much of what is on board has been left 'dry' for owners to experiment with. I am now finding the 1.8Gb of memory a bit niggardly, and am using a 16Gb USB as a main Store - mostly because the Montage is limited to 8 libraries at any one time (regardless of size) and the way I use libraries (as generic repositories) it ain't enough! You're in for a voyage of discovery, demanding but rewarding ...
Oh yeah I have been digging deep into Montage. I am having a blast with it!