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Some wonder how to do this so I thought I would post a way to do it. Follow these steps and you are set!

A few things you need to do. add this controller script to Bitwig (drop the Yamaha folder into Documents/Bitwig/Controller Scripts. Also setup Bitwig controllers use the following: For the Montage Remote (this is Montage Port 2), use the Mackie MCU Pro controller type, and for the Montage Port 1 (main) use this new Yamaha script which is 8 knobs plus 1 modified. It works well. I have included screenshots. To setup the Yamaha Steinberg USB Asio audio plus the USB pairs (I only did up to 16 but you can go to 32) There is 1 offset to the numbering as the Main L&R uses pairs 1/2 already.

Use DAW Remote for plugins and the knobs will control the first 8 parameters you setup in each plugin you load. Make sure you add an Init part to the Montage with the element turned off first. To setup the Remote feature click the Remote tab on the Montage and edit the plugin panel by assigning midi cc values to each knob. I use 20-44 on the control 1 edit page. Once you do that you leave it alone. Bitwig will map to those values. Make sure you set remote DAW settings to LIVE and midi io channel 1

If you do this you can then use the Remote feature in Bitwig or just use the main interface also. It should work. If you use the HW instrument in Bitwig with the return audio feature (to add you own fx), make sure to turn the track monitoring Off for the track you are using. Otherwise you will get some strange knob feedback when trying to record automation.

MONTAGE CONNECT - Make sure this plugin is detected by Bitwig. If not make sure you have your Bitwig settings locations scan where it is located on your system or move the plugin to a folder where Bitwig does scan already. To drag data out of Connect, you cannot drag directly to Bitwig at this time. You must first drag it to your PC desktop and then drag from your desktop into Bitwig.

FYI - Port 3 on the Montage is reserved for external hardware routed through normal midi cables.

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Posted : 13/04/2022 12:25 pm
Posts: 8147
Illustrious Member


Thanks for helping summarize what has worked for you and glad you're getting productive work done.

Posted : 13/04/2022 9:32 pm
Posts: 1717
Noble Member
Topic starter

Cheers c!

Will take another look at Bitwig.


Posted : 16/04/2022 2:04 am

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