I have imported a wave file backing track into a drum part so that I can trigger the backing track using a chosen keyboard key. I can see the backing track listed as being there but I can't hear it at all!...even though I have not yet selected a keyboard key trigger range yet.
What am I possibly doing wrong here?
Answered in the original thread.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Sorry guys... I thought I had previously posted on the thread that I had fixed my Audio volume issue
Bad Mister's steps were spot on
My current query is simply ...apart from pressing the mute button, 'how do you STOP the audio Waveform because my selected keyboard key (C1) only starts it...not pause/stop ...I'm sure this is an easy one to fix yes?
I covered this previously. Assuming using a drum kit to "play" your sample you would setup a group where another note on the keyboard is the same group. Then pressing this key will cancel all other sounds in the group.
This is how hi-hats work in drum kits. The open HH rings out for a long time then a closed HH (which is always set to the same group) will stop the ringing and will play the short sample of the closed HH. If you setup a crash and a choked sound (like stopping the symbol with your hand) then you would use the same kind of setup.
To set this up, edit the drum key where your sample is. In the lower line there's a "Group" parameter which is normally "Off". Set it to a number and set the key you want to cancel in the same group number. The cancel key you can modify so it doesn't itself make any sound by adjusting its level.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Re: setup a group where another note on the keyboard is the same group
Not sure I fully understand how to exactly achieve this particular bit of the task..can you poss detail the steps here please Jason?
Meanwhile I'm still working to identify a suitable 'downbeat' drum Arp from the library click track to take into an arpeggio to work together with my successfully imported waveform (courtesy of Bad Mister advice)...the one drum arp I have so far tried can't have been a downbeat one as it sounded all wrong in conjuction with my imported Waveform Backing.
SUCCESSFULLY DONE....Thanks guys & appologies for confusion over threads....I've been running 2 threads about the same project I'm currently working on (Audio Backing Tracks & using click) and have probably mixed up replies between the two threads!
and Bill, hopefully I'll now learn how to properly use those 'quote marks' 🙂