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Creating an audio track from a midi VST track on Cubase within Montage

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I've made some test with my new Montage, Cubase AI8, Montage Connect and my drum's VST : Superior Drummer 2

Thanks to the useful video and tutorial from Phil, Moessieurs, and Easysounds, All is running great: I can record songs from my Montage, export them with Montage Connect, or record directly in Cubase, synchronize the metronome between Cubase and Montage, recording midi track to audio track (like the Phil's videos does)

I've also installed my VST instrument (Sup Drummer) and it works great in Cubase. (I used Logic Express before)

I've noticed that the volume output of Cubase is controlled via my Montage volume slider (wich is normal as the routing audio is set to my Montage output)

Here's my question (I'll try to explain....)

It's about creating an audio track from my VST midi track in Cubase (Superior Drummer in this example)

If I take a midi track created from performances of my Montage, I can dissolve each track, then, from the VST connection panel, routing each track separately to the appropriate USB bus

Now, for my VST midi track, which is typically a drum track, I don't know if I can created a bus from the VST connection panel : Routing the VST midi track to this bus and routing it within my Montage to a new audio track dedicated to my drum track or if I have to create an audio track and routing the midi track in Cubase itself without routing the audio signal via my Montage

I'm little bit confused ....

Thanks for your help

Posted : 14/11/2016 8:18 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Sorry, but your question is really about how to use your VSTi, Superior Drummer 2. It has really nothing to do with setting in your Montage. The "V" in VST is "virtual" - this refers to the fact that you are monitoring returning audio from the plugin - you have not printed the audio, it simply plays through the Vsti's Audio Lane; and it remains virtual until you actually mixdown the data which prints an actual audio track.

I don't know this particular VSTi but I assume when you go to DEVICES > VST INSTRUMENTS > when you launch your plugin Cubase should create everything you need to return audio to the VSTi's Audio Lane. When you wish to render this as audio you must set the Markers for start and end points, go to File > Export > Audio Mixdown

For more details please your Cubase Operations Manual
Key word: _ Export Audio Mixdown

Posted : 14/11/2016 8:52 pm
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Hi Phil,

Thank you very much for your reply.

That's what I mean when I wrote my message. I was just confused with the slider volume of Montage that could control the volume of the VST too.

I'll check in the Cubase Operation Manual

I've also learn a new word as "Mixdown" ๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted : 15/11/2016 8:55 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Just FYI when using the Montage as your USB audio interface, the main volume slider is the master volume for both the synth and the DAW audio. You have a separate volume control for all audio returning from the DAW.

Press [EDIT]
Press the upper [COMMON] button
Touch "USB Monitor"

USB Main Monitor Volume is the audio from the computer.
The Montage Parts (16) each have a Fader to control its volume.
All volumes travel through the Main (Master) Volume

Posted : 17/11/2016 2:15 am
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Hi Phil,

Thank you very much for this information.

As a new user, I have a lot to learn about Montage and Cubase

I really appreciate your help.


Posted : 18/11/2016 5:44 pm

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