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Cubase LE 9,5 audio recording issue, Montage needs to stay in arp off mode but doesn´t

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Hi, I read the tutorial on "tenor to the max" and had to record a little tune with this great performance. So far so good. I did a midi recording on a single midi track with quick setup midi arp, and some scene changes. then I split up the midi tracks and corrected a few mistakes, and now I want to record this to audio.
So I switched to the quick setup audio rec, I turn off the Montage arp button and record. But as soon as the first scence change comes, Montage makes that scene change and goes into arp mode again and everything goes out of sync. How can I get Monty to stay in arp off mode?

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Posted : 26/02/2018 11:14 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

__ I did a midi recording on a single midi track with quick setup midi arp, and some scene changes. then I split up the midi tracks and corrected a few mistakes, and now I want to record this to audio.
So I switched to the quick setup audio rec, I turn off the Montage arp button and record. But as soon as the first scence change comes, Montage makes that scene change and goes into arp mode again and everything goes out of sync. How can I get Monty to stay in arp off mode?

You have already recorded the Arpeggio data as individual Events to the MIDI Track of Cubase and you already know to turn OFF the Arpeggio On/Off button when you want to playback what you recorded.

So your question should be, “How do I completely bypass the Arpeggio function when I’m trying to record audio, because as soon as the playback sends a Scene change event (naturally) the Arpeggiators chime in? It seems simply turning ARP OFF doesn’t work....

The answer is: once you have recorded Arpeggio data using Quick Setup “Arp Rec on DAW”, you can BYPASS the Arpeggiators by [SHIFT] + [ARP ON/OFF] - the button flashes to indicate bypass is in effect.

The only times when incoming MIDI data does not trigger the Arpeggiators is when the Arpeggiator block is pre (before) the MIDI OUT. Otherwise MIDI data entering the MONTAGE via USB will command/trigger the Arps... in this case, because there are commands within your Scenes instructing which Arp to play at which Measure marker - and we don’t need them because the Arp Note Data has *already been documented* to the MIDI Track, simply turning it OFF is not sufficient, you must BYPASS the Arpeggiators completely. This BYPASS completely removes the possibility that incoming MIDI commands give the Arpeggiators any instructions. You still want the Scene Changes because those can include commands for other changes.

This parameter is found on the screen with your other BYPASS functions. You can simply touch the “FX” on the very top line of the screen to access the various BYPASS functions, including Arp Bypass.

While BYPASS of Arpeggios is activated the Main [ARP ON/OFF] button will flash.
To deactivate the BYPASS simply touch the button.

So any time you are playing back data from Cubase, and you are NOT actively using “ARP REC on DAW” remember to BYPASS the Arpeggiators during playback. Having Arpeggiators that CAN respond via incoming MIDI is a good thing, just not when you want to simply have the MONTAGE playback what you’ve already documented in the DAW.

This is when you *need* the BYPASS function.

Posted : 26/02/2018 1:01 pm
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thank you!!! I didn´t know about the bypass.

Posted : 26/02/2018 7:10 pm
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

Me neither.... learning something new like everyday

Posted : 26/02/2018 7:15 pm

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