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DAW Remote Details?

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Michael Trigoboff
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Honorable Member
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There is very minimal information about the DAW Remote feature in the 2.5 Supplementary Manual. It would help if something more complete were available.

For instance, in the Edit screen for Control 1, all of the CC Num fields are set to 1. What’s the significance of that? When would it be useful to set them to some other number? At the moment, the sliders on my Montage control the volume of my Cubase tracks. I would have thought that control number would be 7.

Also, I have figured out that the sliders correspond (in order) to the tracks in my Cubase project. Is there any way to change that order? It could be useful, for instance, to have the sliders be in the same order as the Parts in the Performance.

Posted : 02/08/2018 12:52 am
Posts: 8327
Illustrious Member

I haven't upgraded yet so I don't know from any first-hand use. I was wondering if you are using single Channel MIDI or multi-channel MIDI.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 02/08/2018 1:23 am
Michael Trigoboff
Posts: 0
Honorable Member
Topic starter


Posted : 02/08/2018 2:10 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Control Change 7 is not necessarily used for volume when addressing the Cubase Mixer... cc7 would be limited to just the 16 MIDI tracks (One per channel) of Port 2 ... as you know you can have many more tracks on the Cubase Mixer, you will have MIDI Tracks, and Audio Tracks, all of them will appear in your MONTAGE Remote control screen. Use the Track [] arrows on the Remote screen to move left and right on your Cubase MIXER. Say you have a Project with 56 or 156 Tracks you can view them in sets of eight...

To change the order of Tracks you can drag and drop them in the Cubase Main Track window... in the column where you can name tracks (find a blank area, click and hold, a red line appears) you can drag the track up or down to a new location... a green line appears as you get to any location where you can drop it.... drag it up or down, Release it in its new location... the MONTAGE Remote screen will auto update reordering the data to match your new Track order.

Posted : 02/08/2018 4:33 am

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