Doubts about the arpeggiator ...
Hello, I'm starting to explore the resources of the arpeggiators, I've already seen several subjects on the subject and with that I started to test some things around here.
My doubt I believe it is simple but I could not find the answer here in the forum.
1. I know we can create an arpeggiator with 4 tracks, but I did not find the way to produce these 4 tracks directly in the montage. Is this only possible via DAW?
2. I created a simple arp, a Piano in Bossa Nova rhythm, recorded 4 bars of C7M (C, E, G, B) and used the convert type "Org Notes". I marked the start note "C3" and by then ok!
I added the arp to my performance I did and I can hear the arp working and making the chord changes correctly. But something is happening that I do not like. As this is an Arp intended for "chords" I do not want it to change the octaves of the result.
Example of what is happening:
If I play a C3, the result is from arp: C3, E3, G3, B3
If I play a D3, the result is from arp: D3, F # 3, A3, C # 3
If I play a G3, the result is from arp: G3, B3, D3, F # 3
Until then, okay!
Now if I play a C1 the result will be: C1, E1, G1, B1
And so on.
I would like the result to be kept in the original octave. In the same way that happens in several perfomances like "Mega Nylon" and "Mega Stell"
How do I get this result?
Thank you!
The parameter you are looking for is the Arp “Octave Shift”
If you want the response to be as if you played C3, from the Key “C1”, you would set Arpeggio’s “Octave Shift” = +2
From the HOME screen
Press [EDIT]
Press [PART SELECT x] where ‘x’ is your guitar Part
Press the lower [COMMON] button
Touch “Arpeggio” > “Common”
Set “Octave Shift” = +2
This is where you set how the Arp phrase will respond to control. You can set Velocity and Note Limit ranges for the info that will Control this Arp.
[STORE] you changes to your User Performance
Thank you, Bad Mister!
I had already experienced this function of Bad Mister. But then the result is just the transposition of what I said above.
What I want is that it does not matter if I play C1, C2 or C3, the result should be
always the same, ie C3, E3, G3, B3.
I think you must have understood me now. This is what happens, for example, in the performance of Mega Nylon.
If your question is can you create Arpeggios like some of the Factory Arpeggios... no, not without very complex software.
What you can setup, and I think you understand me, is Arpeggios for your own use. If you are going to play the Arp from the left hand side of the keyboard you should use the “Octave Shift”. That is its purpose.
Mega Arps, like the Mega instrument sounds they were designed for, are just one of the many different kinds of Arpeggios you cannot create without special software. Among those 10,231 Arpeggios there are many types that are far outside the user’s ability to make them. No where does it say you can make every type of data you are provided... I think the goal was to provide the user with a simple tool to create basic Arp phrases for specific use cases.
You can create Original Note, Fixed Note, and Normal Arpeggios.
I got it, thanks!
What about my 1st question?
"1. I know we can create an arpeggiator with 4 tracks, but I have not found the way to produce these 4 tracks directly in the assembly.
There was a great series of articles in the Music Production Guide: 07/2017 on the subject of the internal recorder by Peter Krischker... the following is from Part 2
In the last episode I mentioned that the MONTAGE Sequencer is not designed for complex multi-track recording. This should usually be done with an external Sequencer (DAW). However, there may be situations where fast and easy multi-track recording is required and no DAW is available. In this case, the MONTAGE Sequencer can also be used as a multi-track recorder with limitations. The tracks are not recorded together, but one after the other.
The Preset Multi-Part Performances are hardly suitable for this purpose. If you want the procedure to remain straightforward, you must instead program a new Multi- Part Performance that is consisting exclusively of simple Single-Part Performances. This is done in a flash by adding Parts after tapping on the plus symbol in the Home display. Limit yourself to the Parts you really need for the intended recording.
The trick to record individual tracks is to disable "Keyboard Control" (green keyboard icon) for all Parts that are not to be recorded in the next step. This means that only the respective Part remains active for each individual recording.
Important: After having recorded a Part you probably switch to the Home screen to configure Keyboard Control for the next recording - do not use the REC button to return to the Sequencer! Instead, you must navigate to the "Play/ Rec" menu on the display. Otherwise a new Song will be created.
And of course, after the first recording, you have to change the Record Type from Replace to Overdub and move the Song back to its start position before recording the next Part.
A very simple variation of single-track recording is to record a Split Performance in two recording sessions. This can be very advantageous, for example, if you want to play a lead sound with expressive modulations (e.g. modulation wheel, pitch bend) in the right-hand area of the keyboard and need both hands for this.
In this case, the above-mentioned Keyboard Control setting and thus also the interim switching to the Home display is not necessary, since all Parts can always be active, even if only one Part of the keyboard is used per recording.
In creating tracks to be converted to a User Arp you would place the same Single Part in each of the four Parts (because the final product will play from a Single Part).
Now I understood perfectly. Many thanks Big Bad Mister.