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Editing drum arpeggio's montage in DAW

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I found a very nice drum hip hop arpeggio in my Montage, but i want to change the number of times the kick and snare is played in a bar (or beat).

So I would like see al the differtent drum parts (Kick, snare, Hihat etc.) in the key editor of my DAW. So I can edit the MIDI.
I use Cubase 7.5

Very much hope it is possible!!!

Kind regards,

Posted : 14/11/2016 7:18 pm
Posts: 8328
Illustrious Member

It's possible.

Under MIDI options, you can set the ARP to generate MIDI data. Turn this on.

Start record on Cubase, and trigger the drum ARP on Montage. After the ARP completes its cycle (you can turn loop OFF to prevent it from repeating) you can stop the recorder then go in and edit.

I would force all MIDI out the same MIDI channel.

On the "piano roll" view (Cubase calls this something different) - you can find which vertical positions your kick and snare are mapped to. The data list (montage_en_dl_v110_b0.pdf) page 18 starts documenting where the drum kit notes are mapped out. This could help you locate the kick and snare although you could also get there by using the keyboard.

After you edit the ARP, you can save it as a MIDI file and import it into the recorder Montage for generating a user ARP.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 14/11/2016 7:41 pm
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Thanks for your fast reply!

Where can I find those MIDI options on the Montage?
(sorry I'm kind a new to this 🙂 )
I'm using a different interface than the one on board the Montage, because I find the sound better.

Posted : 14/11/2016 8:06 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Press [SHIFT] + [UTILITY] to take the shortcut to the Quick Setup screen
Select "Arp Rec on DAW" -this ensures the MIDI Output of the Arpeggiator is routed Out via MIDI, and this makes all the clock settings on the Montage side.
Recall the Drum Kit and arpeggio you want to work with... you will need to set your DAW as master MIDI clock
Go to TRANSPORT on the Cubase menu bar, find "PROJECT SYNCHRONIZATION SETTINGS..." > MIDI CLOCK OUT > Destination > Montage-1 (port1)

You will need to arm the arpeggio, use the count-in Click. and hit a trigger key on the downbeat in order to start the arpeggio phrase.

Follow the setup for your interface to hear audio.

Posted : 14/11/2016 9:13 pm
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I can't get it working yet.

Here are the steps I followed, maybe you can tell me where I go wrong.

1) SHIFT + UTILITY on the Montage I select: Arp Rec on DAW
(When I do this, no sound comes out of the montage over the speakers at that point)

2) I select select the drumkit I want to use, and select the arpeggio I want tot use (The ARP button is selected on, and MIDI IN/OUT in the MIDI I/O is already set to USB)

3) In Cubase an empty MIDI track (Also I tried it with midi track with one note)


5) In this menu I go to MIDI CLOCK OUT, there I see a ">" to right, pointing to Midi Clock Destinations.
Here I select: Montage-1

6) Then I go to the MIDI track, and go 1 bar before I want to record the MIDI, and press de count-in click.

7) I press record and here de count-in click.

8) Then I hit a key and I get an empty recording

Hope you can tell me what I do wrong??

Kind regards,

Posted : 15/11/2016 1:59 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

At step 3 where you "In Cubase an empty MIDI Track" - when you have your MIDI Track setup properly you should hear sound. If not, stop. Do not proceed any farther. Stop. No sound means improper setting somewhere. No need to proceed.

In step 1 when you selected the "Arp Rec on DAW" you disconnected the Montage keys from the Montage tone generator. So it is perfectly normal to hear no sound, we've broken the Local connection. Signal travels Out to Cubase, it travels to that MIDI Track, which should show reaction to incoming MIDI data. (Do you see MIDI activity on the Track's meter?) No meter reaction, means your MIDI data is not arriving. (Another Stop sign).

The MIDI IN should be set to Montage-1 (or "All Midi Input")
The MIDI OUT should be set to Montage-1
And the channel number should be set to "Any" (literally, the option "Any"). This allows Cubase to echo the data back to the source on the MIDI channel it comes in on.

This completes the journey from Montage keys > Cubase MIDI Track > Montage tone generator.
At this point, should hear sound.

If you are not receiving MIDI data at the Track- proceed to your Device setup
Make sure your Montage appears.

Let us know.

Posted : 15/11/2016 2:36 pm
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Thanks!!!!! It works now! This is exactly what I want!!!:D 😀

I don't know what went wrong the first time, I only restarted the Montage & Cubase and followed the steps again.

This is great, I can now customize the Arpeggio's MIDI and add an extra snare or clap and record the audio! 😀

Thanks again!

Posted : 15/11/2016 3:07 pm

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