ok heres a question. If I am using an external sequencer to control the montage, is there a way to switch performances without the sound cutting out abruptly while the sequence is running? then when the sound changes fully the new performance would be triggered?
No, I don’t think so, never tried it. MIDI provides a way to change the individual program on each MIDI Channel, making changing the entire Performance (which changes all 16 Channels plus common settings at once) unnecessary. Have you exhausted sending individual per Channel Program Changes?
The reason changing an entire Performance would not be feasible (or even worth trying) is because it causes an All Notes Off message to be sent. If you want it to be imperceptible then even attempting this should be eliminated.
Changing individual Parts via channel messages should always work as long as you separate the Bank Select/Program Change commands from musical notes by the recommended 100-200ms. Changing programs during a sounding note is as silly as asking the Sax player to switch to Flute during a held note (they can’t). The MIDI ‘musician’ needs about 200ms to put down one instrument and pick up another.
Changing the entire Performance is like switching to a ’new band’ in a ’new room’, interruption in sound? I don’t think so.
Artful placement of BankSelect/ProgramChange messages is on you, not the technology. in music not all instruments are playing at all times, you must find the musically appropriate time to place your instrument changes. When scoring for a large ensemble or orchestra, instrument changes are common, and can be handled during a time an instrument is tacit ( during a rest).
Each Single Part program in the MONTAGE has an MSB/LSB/PC (BANK SELECT and PGM CHANGE) number that can be placed in your MIDI Track to change instruments programs.
I tried it and it works! Yay