John Melas Montage Performance Editor 1.0.0 is released!
Montage Performance Editor is a complete editor solution for the MONTAGE synthesizers, consisting of:
Performance Editor :
AWM2 Editor :
FM-X Editor :
Drum Kit Editor :
Basic features are:
Full Performance Common, Part, Arpeggiator, Motion Sequence, Scene and Zone parameters editing in a compact, intuitive user interface.
Easy Super Knob and Assignable Knob Control Sets routing :
Easy editing of Performances names from the PC keyboard :
Allows selection of patches by Bank or by Category. Supports searching of patches by name :
Supports copy/paste for Parts, Effects, AWM2 Elements, FMX-Operators, Drum Keys, Controls Sets, Motion Sequence Lanes, Arpeggiator Parts and Zones!
Loads and saves Performances or individual Parts to files :
Imports Performances from YAMAHA MONTAGE Connect X7B files.
Reads Performance names directly from the synthesizer.
Records and plays back phrases: You can audition a phrase looping while you are editing your Performances!
And much more!
Demo version limited in functions is available.
The software can be purchase in complete version for 70 euro.
Hello Joel - sounds good. Is it OK on Windows 10 64 bit? I don't have a DAW - does that matter? And will it expand to full screen? The Tyros Editor didn't, which made it unusable. Thanks for advice ...
Exciting! I just bought it. Can't wait to see what it can do to help me organize the contents of my Montage.
This is great news.
Too bad yamaha is not able to release any software to there flagship synth!
BTW the only synth Yamaha has not relased any software for is Montage.
(Montage connect do not Count.)
Thx John Melas
-70 Euro Editor
-70 Euro Wave editor?? + one year later?
-70 Euro library management?? + one year later?
Thx Yamaha
Hi Rod.
It's OK on Windows 10 64 bit, it run like this on my computer
No need to have a daw to use the editor.
You can expand in full screen by selecting the huge font for police in settings (close and reopen the editor and you will be in full screen), here is a screen shoot on my 23" screen :
Michael :
Can't wait to see what it can do to help me organize the contents of my Montage.
It's a performance editor, not a Librarian, if you think it can help you to manage all your user performance area and library area by arranging, swaping ....., it's not the case, it will not alllow you to arrange performances.
You load one performance (or start from scratch if you want) you edit the performance and store it on your Montage and save it on your computer.
The thing you can do it after receive Montage all user and library data is to see what you have inside.
For example here i see my user 2 bank area and see that i have performances up to user 2 number 8, so my user bank contain 128+8 performances, you can saw all performances name, but you cannot reorganize them :
Same think for library's, after receiving all, you can see what you have inside.
The things that the editor cannot do :
- merging performances like you can do in Montage category search merge screen, you need to do it on Montage before receiving the data.
- Except part1, mport part 2 up to 16 from another performance like in montage part category search allow to select part you want to import, you need to do it on Montage before receiving the data.
- create a "user waveform", there is no option for this in the editor, it cannot access to the content page.
All functions on Montage cannot be "call" from an external device/computer, that why this 3 points cannot be done from the editor.
Things that you can do on editor and you cannot do on Montage :
- Copy FX
- Copy Control Set
- Copy Zone
- Copy Arp from a performance part to another performance (no need to import part in the performance to copy arp and after deleting this part, set copy part arp you want on perf A, call perf B, paste on perf B)
- Copy Motion seq from a performance to another (no need to import part in the performance to copy he's MS, set copy what you want, on perf A, call perf B, paste on perf B)
- Copy all envelope.(filter, AEG, Pitch, Level)
- Save individual part as AWM2 or FM-X or Drum Key file on your computer, for example you like the part 3 like a pad of a preset multipart performance, you want to use it later, save it directly as an individual part, you can load it after in the editor in a new performance (it a way to replace the part category search from part 2 to 16 also).
- Create a single part performance from a multipart performance on one click, you like a bass on a multipart performance, just want to use it for your new performance as starting point, right click on this part ==> Create performance and you have a new single part performance ready to start.
Perhaps some others things that i can not remember at this step.
Personally, I'd rather see a waveform editor with the ability to create multisamples and save them in the Montage library format because that is currently the only way how to import a single or a couple of waveforms and adding them to what is already in the flash. In its present form, loading a single waveform from a motif file format erases all the existing waveform data in memory.
On the other side, the Montage has a touchscreen and IMHO a pretty much well thought out interface. I saw the point in using a performance/patch editor with a Motif which doesn't have a touch display, but I kinda fail to see the benefit in using a computer editor with the Montage. At least I don't see how it would be more user friendly and in which way it would speed my workflow up compared to doing it directly on the Montage.
John Melas's software has always worked great for me as his editors and librarian for the Motif XF were highly useful and worth every dollar they cost. I am sure he spent a lot of time in creating this sottware. His Motif Waveform editor will do what you are asking except it won't save in Montage format. Too bad Yamaha does not make a patch librarian.
Been waiting a long time for something like this.
Thanks Joel - I'm afraid it won't work for me - the one thing I really wanted was simple merging, which it can't do. Rats! By 'Editor' I expected it to edit Pfs - take Parts out, put Parts in, change Elements and Operators etc:. It would also be useful to know what Pfs are included in USB stored Libraries. However, I'm sure it's more than useful to many, but not to plain old soundsmitihs ...
Sladjan wrote:
Personally, I'd rather see a waveform editor with the ability to create multisamples and save them in the Montage library format because that is currently the only way how to import a single or a couple of waveforms and adding them to what is already in the flash. In its present form, loading a single waveform from a motif file format erases all the existing waveform data in memory.
On the other side, the Montage has a touchscreen and IMHO a pretty much well thought out interface. I saw the point in using a performance/patch editor with a Motif which doesn't have a touch display, but I kinda fail to see the benefit in using a computer editor with the Montage. At least I don't see how it would be more user friendly and in which way it would speed my workflow up compared to doing it directly on the Montage.
I'm with you on this Sladjan!
Andy wrote:
His Motif Waveform editor will do what you are asking except it won't save in Montage format. Too bad Yamaha does not make a patch librarian.
It is important to understand that in its present form, its almost impossible to import a single waveform (yamahas term for multisample) or a couple of them into the Montage and add them to existing waveform data. It's all or nothing. If you load a waveform file into the Montage, it will erase the existing waveforms in memory. You cannot add new to existing ones. So, the XF waveform editor is useless in that regard.
Sladjan wrote:
Andy wrote:
His Motif Waveform editor will do what you are asking except it won't save in Montage format. Too bad Yamaha does not make a patch librarian.It is important to understand that in its present form, its almost impossible to import a single waveform (yamahas term for multisample) or a couple of them into the Montage and add them to existing waveform data. It's all or nothing. If you load a waveform file into the Montage, it will erase the existing waveforms in memory. You cannot add new to existing ones. So, the XF waveform editor is useless in that regard.
It is possible to do what you're talking about. You can use JM Waveform editor and save as an ".X3A" file. This will then load into the Montage as a Library file. From there you can import the Library contents into the User area without overwriting existing User area content (just adding to it).
I've been using this method with no problem.
I seem to remember that loading an x3a file as library didn't do the trick, just an original file saved as library. But I could of course be wrong. I will certainly check it out although there is no reason to be suspicious if you already use it.
Anyway, thank you very much for the info.
Joe wrote:
I've been using this method with no problem.Joe
Same for me!
Sladjan wrote:
Personally, I'd rather see a waveform editor with the ability to create multisamples and save them in the Montage library format because that is currently the only way how to import a single or a couple of waveforms and adding them to what is already in the flash. In its present form, loading a single waveform from a motif file format erases all the existing waveform data in memory.
On the other side, the Montage has a touchscreen and IMHO a pretty much well thought out interface. I saw the point in using a performance/patch editor with a Motif which doesn't have a touch display, but I kinda fail to see the benefit in using a computer editor with the Montage. At least I don't see how it would be more user friendly and in which way it would speed my workflow up compared to doing it directly on the Montage.
I don't have a problem editing my Montage on the touch screen. However, I’d love to see a waveform editor for the Montage. To create multi samples, import files, create loops etc. I would buy it for sure.