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Keys Release Click sound in montage

5 Posts
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Posts: 408
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Some guy was complaining about release click sound in his montage M. I ask him to put a record of that sound and…. I realize that I have the same “issue” in my montage 7 classic. I did not care about and even I don’t know if it is there since the beginning. This click is quite loud indeed. A fix should easy too but I will wait for open the case. Have you notice this click sound when release the key?

Posted : 18/09/2024 7:47 am
Posts: 253
Reputable Member

Any 'release' click is not being recorded as far as I can tell.

Some guy was complaining about release click sound in his montage M.

For me that is something I would like to know the context and the specifics about.

I ask him to put a record of that sound and….

You have a knack for getting right to the KEY issue. Is that 'click' actually being intentionally produced and being recorded. Here are several possible tests:

1. Record a sample as MIDI and play that MIDI back on another instrument. Is the 'click' in the midi and being played?

2. Record a sample as AUDIO and play that audio back on another instrument. Is the 'click' heard in the audio?

3. Turn the instrument OFF and press and release a KEY - is that the 'click' being referred to?

4. Repeat test #3 while wearing headphones - do you still hear a 'click'?

Test #4 should validate that any result from test #3 is due strictly to the keybed itself since the instrument is OFF. And with the instrument off then you won't hear any mechanical 'click' if you are wearing headphones.

On my M8X I get a low level noise when the key reaches the full UP position after I held it full DOWN and released it. That is just the sound of the key hitting the 'stop' at the top of its travel. My instrument is new and there is still felt above the back of each key that will muffle the sound that would otherwise be a much louder 'plastic on plastic' if there was no felt.

But that noise isn't part of any midi or audio that is produced when playing the instrument so it won't be recorded or sent through the audio system, speakers or headphones.

I realize that I have the same “issue” in my montage 7 classic.

Please tell us which of the 4 tests above manifest that same "issue". 

I did not care about and even I don’t know if it is there since the beginning.

For me that suggests it isn't loud enough to have been an issue because you are pretty good at noticing things that others don't notice! 

A fix should easy too

The first step is to determine the cause and then assess if that 'cause' is actually intentional.

A 'KeyOff' sound is an integral part of the sound that acoustic pianos/organs produce. And that specific sound will be picked up by any microphones that have been placed nearby that aim to capture the piano/organ sound.

Search your Montage Data List doc for 'KeyOff' and you will find 35 references. ALL of the references are to waveforms in the Waveform List section of the doc.

Many of the presets include a part/element that uses a KeyOff version of a waveform. Although an FM-X part doesn't use any of those waveforms some of those preset parts are also intentionally designed to produce a 'click' sound to replicate that 'keyoff' noise.

I can't agree that just because there is a KeyOff click/sound/noise present that it means there is a 'fix' needed. It could just be working as designed.

On the other hand if you aren't using a KeyOff waveform version or an FM-X part that produces click noise but you have keyoff click/sound/noise in the midi or audio then there might be a problem that needs looked at.

But I'm not ready to draw that conclusion without knowing the specifics.

Posted : 18/09/2024 5:14 pm
Posts: 8151
Illustrious Member

The easiest test is to turn the keyboard off and listen for the key click. 

Posted : 19/09/2024 1:10 am
Posts: 408
Honorable Member
Topic starter

I should have say a click noise that comes from the key released and touching the case. You cannot of coarse record it from montage internal sounds.

Posted : 19/09/2024 10:50 am
Posts: 8151
Illustrious Member

I have a Montage 7.  The Montage M6 and M7 have similar keybeds so they would inherit the features of the previous generation.  That said, I don't hear any noise I would regard as "clicking" from my Montage 7.  Certainly when I am practicing or playing a gig I don't hear anything above the sound coming out of the speakers or in my monitor mix.   Nor do I feel anything unusual in terms of tactile feedback from the key when pressing or releasing a key.


This isn't to say that the keys have zero sound when pressing and releasing.  Just that this sound is not pronounced or distracting or unexpected for my keyboards.   One could always check out the keyboards at a music store to see if the demo units have similar or different characteristics from one's own keyboard.  Then determine if some kind of repair is necessary or not.


For some context ...


I transport my keyboard several times a week in a soft case.  It receives what I would regard as regular handling.  A reasonable effort is made to be careful but the case does get squeezed into tight spaces fitting in small vehicles and placed under other gear set on top.  The super knob is vulnerable and has been slightly damaged requiring a replacement part which I have yet to order since it isn't completely non-functional.  Otherwise everything seems to work similar to the instrument worked when brand new.  What I'm attempting to convey here is that the instrument doesn't appear to be so delicate that it cannot withstand the rigors of use as a performance/practice workhorse using a soft case.  At least in my experience.

Posted : 19/09/2024 12:25 pm

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