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Live Set Audio Recording

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Michael Trigoboff
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I have my song all set up now. The "backup band" consists of an Audio Track in Cubase with four segments: intro, verse, alternate verse, bridge. I control how this plays back via a Cubase Arranger Track. I trigger the Arranger Track via buttons in Cubase IC Pro on my iPad. I switch among the lead instruments via the Live Set display on my Montage. It all works great!

I'm wondering if it's possible to record audio of me playing this song.

I looked into doing it with the Montage, but the audio record feature is Performance-specific. If I switch from lead instruments to lead instrument using the Live Set, will recording continue?

Or I could record the audio into Cubase. But the way I'm using the Arranger Track, the project cursor keeps jumping back and forth along the timeline. So it doesn't seem to me that audio recording to Cubase would work in that situation.

Is there a way for me to record audio of me playing this song "live?"

Posted : 20/08/2016 10:52 pm
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I'm just getting going on this, but have you tried creating a single performance with different scenes with your different lead sounds. Then you just switch between the scenes while you record.

Posted : 20/08/2016 11:39 pm
Michael Trigoboff
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I know I could do it that way, but that's not what I have right now.

What I have is 7 lead instrument Performances arranged in a Live Set and a "backup band" consisting of four segments of a Cubase Audio Track. I don't see a way to record audio of my live playing with this kind of setup, but I'm hoping that someone else knows a way to do it.

Posted : 21/08/2016 12:29 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Or I could record the audio into Cubase. But the way I'm using the Arranger Track, the project cursor keeps jumping back and forth along the timeline. So it doesn't seem to me that audio recording to Cubase would work in that situation.

Is there a way for me to record audio of me playing this song "live?"

I remember blogging about musicians and the "fear of commitment". Although this could be a double entendre it is specifically talking about the unwillingness to lock something in - as in when MIDI data is kept as MIDI data until the very last moment for fear that we might still change our minds. That sort of things. You real time interaction with the Play Order of the Arranger is one such commitment... You must make before recording!

You can capture your entire Performance as you are used to conducting it, but in two steps... Maybe three...

Save your Project as it is... For a backup.
Flatten your ARRANGER Chain ( See your Cubase "Operation Manual" - Search "Flattening the Arranger Chain"
Document everything to a stereo Cubase audio track.

Flattening your Arranger Track is the equivalent of committing an arrangement of Pattern Sections (Chain) to one continuous linear Song. So you will be creating a PLAY ORDER... This will layout your backing in one consistent (committed) format... You can now overdub your leads if you wish...
then in a separate operation you will be playing that commitment back while documenting it as a mixed down entity.

Because you saved your Project before you flattened the chain, you can return to your uncommitted view if you like, but to record it as audio (document it for all time) you will need to commit, even if only temporarily, to one specific arrangement. Make sense?

(Other options would include recording everything to an external device.)

Posted : 21/08/2016 1:07 pm
Michael Trigoboff
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I remember blogging about musicians and the "fear of commitment".

What's going on with me is something different. Sometimes I'll sit down and play my song very improvisationally -- now I feel like going to the bridge, now I feel like playing this lead instrument, etc. When I'm done, I sometimes think, "That was really fun!" But I wonder if it sounded as good as it felt. I'd like to record these free-form sessions so that I can see what the relationship may be between "feels good" and "sounds good."

Other options would include recording everything to an external device.

I thought that might be the case. I get to buy more gear! πŸ™‚

I looked around online and saw a confusing variety of devices that might possibly be what I need, but I don't really know how to figure that out. Can you suggest one or two examples so that I'll know what I'm looking for? Ideally I'd like it to be something that can record digitally.

How would such a device be connected to my setup? Via USB to the PC running Cubase? Via USB to the Montage instead of the PC? Is Bluetooth a possibility?


Posted : 21/08/2016 6:10 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

I thought that might be the case. I get to buy more gear! πŸ™‚

I never met a problem that more gear wouldn't solve πŸ™‚

If you'd rather focus, first, on alternatives to spending more money, I can go there with you. And you holla when the "more gear" route seems easier or less of a hassle.

You want real time control over your instrument (understandable), but you also want real time control over the playback device (negating its ability to record) seems the simplest solution while maintaining your parameters of real time interaction... Get a small format, high quality mixer to which you can connect your Montage and your monitor speakers, which has enough outputs to send signal to a recorder. I've got a AG03 mixer and my handheld PockeTrak PR7 (it is "more gear", but doesn't really break the bank either) and you may already have similar devices that will do the job.

Thinking about workflow:
I know, this maybe the farthest thing from your thought process and current workflow, which is why I'll suggest it. But try committing to an Arranger Play Order - in fact, create three different ones... Then try overdubbing to these, taking several passes at each one using separate tracks. Now you'll have several different combinations you can try. Since I'm sure the tempo and instrumentation remain constant, you can assemble the best of each. You'd be amazed at your results. You can use the Cubase comping function to build the best passages from each pass into a single take. Don't be afraid of cutting and pasting large sections of different takes together. As long as you keep your original data as a backup, experiment (or spend more money) πŸ™‚

Posted : 21/08/2016 10:09 pm
Michael Trigoboff
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I currently have my monitor speakers connected to my Montage. Putting the AG03 mixer in between the Montage and the speakers and then hooking up the PR7 recorder to the mixer sounds like it would be recording an analog audio input. Is there a way to set things up with the AG03 so that I can record digital audio directly from the Montage?

Also, is there such a thing as a single device that would combine the mixing and recording capabilities? The PR7 looks like a nice device, but I don't need a portable recorder with built-in microphones. I'd prefer one device if that's possible.

I see what you're saying about workflow, and I already do this sometimes. But what I'm thinking about here is when I'm just playing around instead of seriously trying to create a final product, and whether I can record that so I can go back and evaluate how well I actually did. And if somehow I did really well that time, I have high-quality digital audio of it to play around with.

Posted : 22/08/2016 2:15 am
Michael Trigoboff
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Or could I record MIDI (including Performance changes) on an iOS device via Bluetooth?

Posted : 22/08/2016 6:07 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Also, is there such a thing as a single device that would combine the mixing and recording capabilities? The PR7 looks like a nice device, but I don't need a portable recorder with built-in microphones. I'd prefer one device if that's possible.

Best built-in mic recordings you've ever heard. You can also connect to it as a line in. But that really an extra, if what you want to do is hear if your ideas are working, I think it's the perfect (single) device, even if you sat it in front of your speakers and recorded with just the stereo mic it would sound awesome, but hey...

I think, however, you've got a general idea of what you want, count it out and write it down. If it was a band, and not a section defined by the Arranger function, you would not be able to conduct them (on a whim) like you are doing, you'd need to commit to an arrangement - commit, then you'll solve your problem with no money spent.

Are you afraid to listen back to a fixed arrangement. Ultimately that is what you are going for, otherwise, you wind up being guilty of never "finishing" the project. It's an excuse to not commit! πŸ™‚

Posted : 22/08/2016 11:40 am

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