To create audio tracks from midi tracks in Logic Pro x
1. Go to the edit screen of each part on the Montage and set the output from Main 1 & 2 to USB 1&2 if stereo /USB 3&4 / USB 5&6 etc. for each part
2. Create new audio tracks (number to match number of midi tracks)
3. Set the inputs of the audio tracks to match the part outputs set in Montage
4. Go to the USB screen on Montage and set the quick setting to Audio Rec on DAW
5. Set all Audio tracks to Record
6. Record and all midi tracks will be individually recorded to audio tracks.
Did you know that Step 4 (selecting the AUDIO REC ON DAW Quick Setup) automatically assigns the Montage Parts to the Part Outputs as you describe in Step 1.
No I didn't
Thanks for the tip - I need all the help I can get 🙂
I started with the original DX way back when and then 816 then ES,XS,XF and now MONTAGE. We also added an Disklavier E3 last Christmas - love the gear and really appreciate your tutorials over the years!