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M8X - AN-X waveforms have much fuller spectrum than FM-X

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The Spectrum diagrams for all of the new AN-X waveforms show a much fuller spectrum that the similar waveforms for FM-X.

One example:

FM-X ALL 1 waveform for A3 with a full skirt (7)

   1. 17 harmonics

   2. fundamental is at -28DB

   3. 3rd harmonic is at -42DB

   4. 14th harmonic is at -60DB

AN-X SAW 1 waveform for A3 with all default parms

   1. 38 harmonics

   2. fundamental is at -26DB

   3. 3rd harmonic is at -36DB

   4. 14th harmonic is at -50DB

   5. 38th harmonic is at -60DB

The AN-X produces far more harmonics and ALL of them at higher output levels for a much richer sound. 

This topic was modified 7 months ago 2 times by Toby
Posted : 04/09/2024 5:52 pm
Posts: 745
Prominent Member

That's because FM-X Waveforms are intentionally pre-filtered (that's why there is a "Skirt" parameter). 

AN-X produces the "raw" Oscillator (VCO) Waveforms you'd find on a classic Subtractive Synth. 

FM-X avoids these full spectrum (dense harmonics) waveforms because when modulated they run into White Noise very quickly,  therefore less useable, less practical.

Original FM used Sine Waves (1 Harmonic) only for this  reason.  

The ethos behind FM is that you start small and *add* harmonics.  Its a form of "Addative Synthesis".  Its the opposite of "Subtractive Synthesis"....  start big,  and then remove/subtract harmonics with Filters. 


No Fault Found. 


Posted : 06/09/2024 11:46 pm
Posts: 745
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** Additive

Posted : 07/09/2024 10:33 am
Posts: 831
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Posted by: Toby

The AN-X produces far more harmonics and ALL of them at higher output levels for a much richer sound.

I fundamentally disagree with the last 3 words, as it appears to imply that the AN-X has a much richer sound than the FM-X...

I have DX7 sounds that are equally as thick and rich sounding, if not more so, than any Analog or VA synth like the AN-X.

For my purposes, I can program pretty much any AN-X sound on an FM-X Part, but I would never be able to program many of my DX7/FM-X sounds on an the AN-X or any Analog/VA synth!

It is the main reason why I never cared to have the AN-X added to the Montage, as there were many other features/waveforms that I would have preferred to see them add.  The only reason I would want a Montage M8x is for the new keybed, the new preset pianos, and the recently added Shimmer Reverb.  But since I already have all the additional customized piano libraries that I need & can emulate shimmer reverb on my Montage classic, it's really just the keybed I would be paying for ... and I don't really want the keybed for PAT as many others do, but rather just for the feel when playing pianos.  The only thing about the AN-X that I would like to see added to the FM-X engine is the 'Unison' feature (same as I've been used to having on my DX7II-FD for over 30 years).  But thankfully I can emulate unison on the Montage classic with one or two effects without affecting FM-X polyphony!


However having said all that, I am happy for those who wanted the AN-X, got it added to the new Montage M, and are enjoying it! 😉 



Posted : 08/09/2024 4:14 pm
Daniel reacted
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I meant that the AN-X waveforms are much more 'harmonically' rich. 

I fundamentally disagree with the last 3 words, as it appears to imply that the AN-X has a much richer sound than the FM-X...

I wasn't trying to describe the sound since how things sound is pretty subjective.

The stats I provided were to compare the numbers and strength (or balance, relative to one another) of the harmonics that the FM-X and the AN-X waveforms provide out of the box. 

The numbers for the FM-X saw were with a full skirt - so those are all the harmonics you will get. Yet the AN-X produces over twice as many harmonics and at much higher levels than the FM-X version.

That doesn't mean that one is 'better' than the other. But it does mean that because you have more to work with you can do certain things easier with the AN-X version. The wider harmonic range also gives you more options for filtering.

Any sound one wants to reproduce will have a certain blend of harmonics at various levels. The blend you are striving for will help decide which engine might be the better choice.

Each engine is going to be best suited for certain blends. The 1st 10 harmonics are all below ~4K. That is a pretty high pitch. So unless you need those really high harmonics using FM-X doesn't limit you. In fact it avoids the need to filter out the high tones.

On the other hand the AN-X harmonics are all much stronger and the lower levels don't drop off nearly as fast as in the FM-X saw.

The 1st 10 harmonics are all above -48DB while only 6 of the FM-X are above that level.

Those are the comparisons I was trying to present.

The engine choice depends on the sound you are trying to create. 

This post was modified 7 months ago by Toby
Posted : 08/09/2024 5:32 pm
Posts: 745
Prominent Member

This is all so totally wide of the mark.  More irrelevant discombobulation.

After my previous comments what is there further to discuss?  

The AN-X Waveforms have a purpose that is entirely different to FM-X waveforms, and vice versa.  They have nothing in common by design and intent. 


Posted : 10/09/2024 10:15 am
Posts: 450
Honorable Member

Posted by: Darryl

Posted by: Toby

The AN-X produces far more harmonics and ALL of them at higher output levels for a much richer sound.

I fundamentally disagree with the last 3 words, as it appears to imply that the AN-X has a much richer sound than the FM-X...

I have DX7 sounds that are equally as thick and rich sounding, if not more so, than any Analog or VA synth like the AN-X.

For my purposes, I can program pretty much any AN-X sound on an FM-X Part, but I would never be able to program many of my DX7/FM-X sounds on an the AN-X or any Analog/VA synth!

It is the main reason why I never cared to have the AN-X added to the Montage, as there were many other features/waveforms that I would have preferred to see them add.  The only reason I would want a Montage M8x is for the new keybed, the new preset pianos, and the recently added Shimmer Reverb.  But since I already have all the additional customized piano libraries that I need & can emulate shimmer reverb on my Montage classic, it's really just the keybed I would be paying for ... and I don't really want the keybed for PAT as many others do, but rather just for the feel when playing pianos.  The only thing about the AN-X that I would like to see added to the FM-X engine is the 'Unison' feature (same as I've been used to having on my DX7II-FD for over 30 years).  But thankfully I can emulate unison on the Montage classic with one or two effects without affecting FM-X polyphony!


However having said all that, I am happy for those who wanted the AN-X, got it added to the new Montage M, and are enjoying it! 😉 



agree, anx was not the graal for me too , except if they add to the anx the functions of Wolfgang Palm AN engines. I would prefer they release the two genies locked in Yamaha lamp: the VL1 and fs1r! 


Montage 7 classic

Posted : 18/09/2024 6:58 am

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