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M8X - Arpeggio copy/exchange doesn't include Velocity or Gate Time

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The 'Part -> Common -> Arpeggio - Individual' screen (p.283 of the Montage M Operations doc) screen shows the 8 possible sets of arp data for a part and include: Name, Velocity, Gate Time.

However, if you use [SHIFT] + [EDIT] to copy/exchange an arp only the arp itself is copied or exchanged but the velocity and gate time belonging to that arp are NOT.

This requires the user to manually update the velocity and gate time parameter values for BOTH the source and destination arps. If both arps are for the same part the data is on the screen so at least you can try to fix it.

But when an exchange is done to a different part than the part being displayed there is no way to see the velocity and gate time values for the other part without navigating to the screen for the other part and then 'back and forth' to manually update both sets of parameters.

Am I alone in thinking the Velocity and Gate Time values should travel with the arp for a copy/exchange? I know that I always adjust those values for each arp individually when necessary. 

This anomaly is on an M8X so I expect it is also on the M7/M6 models. As for classic Montage/Modx I don't know.

This topic was modified 22 hours ago by Toby
Posted : 21/10/2024 5:24 pm

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