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M8X - Doc Anomaly - Slider Direction works for all parts - not just parts 1-8

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On page 218 of the ops doc it discusses the performance level setting for 'Slider Direction' and says this:

Slider Direction Part 1-8
Sets the direction of the Control sliders 1 to 8 when the slider mode is set to PART.
Settings: Normal (up from the bottom), Reverse (down from the top

I read that 'Part 1-8' to mean that it only worked for parts 1-8.

My tests, however, show that it works for all parts.

Either it is a doc errata or I am misinterpreting something.

Posted : 26/10/2023 3:21 am
Posts: 8128
Illustrious Member

I'm not sure if this conflicts with your testing or not ...

(According to the docs) When a Part is selected, that Part has the ability to change the slider mode for all 16 sliders. The Performance Common only allows for setting sliders 1-8.

So I guess I would confirm what mode the keyboard is which determines what the sliders are controlling (Performance global vs. element/operator of a particular Part).

Given the other documentation issues already identified by a quick read-through - I wouldn't be surprised if there are (lots of) inaccuracies.

Posted : 26/10/2023 3:30 am
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New Member Guest
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I'm not sure if this conflicts with your testing or not ...

The Performance Common only allows for setting sliders 1-8.

Further testing shows that the performance common Slider Direction affects ALL parts and, therefore, ALL sliders.

2. copy part 1 to part2 and part 11
3. change perf common slider direction to reverse
4. Select 'Part Volume' with button left of slider 1
5. No parts are selected - sliders operate in reverse for all parts with keyboard select
6. select part 11
7. press SHIFT 9-16 button left of slider 1 - this changes the sliders to parts 9-16
8. slider 11 (3rd slider from left) operates in reverse for part 11

(According to the docs) When a Part is selected, that Part has the ability to change the slider mode for all 16 sliders.

I don't think that is right. See pages 298, 299

Slider Direction
Sets the direction of the Control sliders 1 to 8 for this Part when the slider mode is set to

My tests show that changing the slider direction at the part level:

1. affects ONLY that parts elements/operators/oscillators.
2. only allows slider operation for the 1st 8 elements - no way to access elements 9-128 via sliders or the sub display
3, does NOT affect that parts 'part level' slider action. That is, if the performance common slider direction if normal and the part level slider action is reverse then when the button left of slider 1
is 'Part Volume' the slider for that part will be bottom to top. And when the button is 'el/op/osc' the slider for that el/op/osc will be top to bottom. The perf and part selections are independent.

Posted : 26/10/2023 6:34 pm

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