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M8X - Exit from Utility screen required to save changed parameters across power down

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 258
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Haven't found it documented anywhere but tests on my M8X show that making changes on the 'Utility -> Settings -> MIDI I/O' screen followed by a power OFF while still on that (or other) Utility screen does NOT preserve the parameter changes.

1. Power ON

2. go to 'Utility -> Settings -> MIDI I/O' screen

3. observe that 'Local Control' is ON - change it to OFF

4. Power OFF

5. Power ON - revisit the screen

6. observe that 'Local Control' is ON - the change to OFF was NOT preserved

Test #2

7. change 'Local Control' to OFF

8. use the EXIT button (or other method) to leave the 'Utility' function

9. Power OFF

10. Power ON - revisit the screen

11. observe that 'Local Control' is OFF - the change to OFF was preserved

The above results apply to parms on other tabs/screens on the Utility section: knob flash, knob brightness on the System tab and parms on the AUDIO I/O tab.

I haven't done an exhaustive test of every tab/screen/parm in the utility section.

Q1 - is it documented somewhere that you must leave the Utility section before a power OFF in order to save utility changes?

Q2 - do tests on a classic Montage give the same results?

Posted : 20/09/2024 1:36 am

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