Currently I have been using John Melas software to edit my old Montage and to sync with my DAW. I recently purchased Montage M but I'm unsure if the Montage Connect VST software will work with Montage M series. Cubase has listed 64-bit in blacklist mode.
Use the free ESP VST for the Montage M.
Yamaha created an Expanded-Softsynth-Plugin (ESP) that is free for Montage M owners
Only my opinion but I'd be surprised if they actually release a Montage Connect for the M since the ESP plugin essentially replaces it.
Even though I can't directly answer your question about Montage Connect working with the M (I only have the Montage M8X so don't have Connect) I hope the above info is useful to you while you wait for others to respond.
The M models have new functionality so may be incompatible with the Montage Connect software.
John Melas has updated versions of his software that work with M models so you may be eligible for a free, or reduced cost, update.
Congrats on your new M - what model did you get? How do you plan to use it? What is you current setup?
Hi, Montage Connect need to recognize the Montage and it's associate firmware to work, it will not work with Montage M.
Hi, Montage Connect need to recognize the Montage and it's associate firmware to work, it will not work with Montage M.