I haven't seen it mentioned before but (p.397 of the ops doc) the Montage M models added a new Algorithm Search screen.
As that screen shows you can select:
1. number of carriers - filters the display to algorithms that have ONLY the specified number of carrier operators
2. chain - filters the display to algorithms that have ONLY the specified stack size. The stack size is the number of modulator levels/layers above the bottom carrier level.
One extreme is #66 which is 'chain = 8' and 'carrier = 1' since there are 7 modulators in series feeding the one carrier. There is one of these.
The other extreme is #1 which is 'chain = 1' and 'carrier = 8' since all 8 operators are carriers. There is also one of these.
Some combinations won't show any algorithms. The most obvious example is 'chain = 1' and 'carrier = 1/2/3/4/5/6/7'. Why? Every algorithm has 8 operators and 'chain = 1' means there are NO modulators so any algorithm shown would have 8 carriers on the bottom level.
Suppose you want 3 carriers to combine three different sounds. Just select 'carrier = 3' and then toggle through the chain options to see the various configurations of modulators and carriers.
As mentioned before, all algorithms show 8 operators. So if you specify 3 carriers then 'chain = 8' and 'chain = 7' won't show any options because those combinations would need more than 8 operators.
You can get to the algorithm search screen a couple of ways:
1. select an FM-X part on the performance home screen and use the 'view mode' knob (#6) below the main display to select the 'Part n Algorithm View' mode. Then press the algorithm graphic as if it were a button.
2. Use the 'Algorithm Search' button on the 'Edit Part n -> General / Pitch -> FM-X Settings' screen (p.373 of the ops doc).
One CAVEAT to remember is that changing the algorithm AFTER a part has been programmed (keep presets in mind here) may not be
very useful since although all algorithms have 8 operators an operator (e.g. #6) in one algorithm may be a carrier but in another may be a modulator and may not even be programmed (level = 0?) in some algorithms.
Maybe Joel will do one of his great videos to show people this new M feature.
FYI - this was also available in Montage classic.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
And in the MODX.