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Montage M Newbie with a few questions

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Hi everyone, I am a new Montage M7 user.

I have now watched some videos and also read a lot about the Montage M. I am currently in the process of recreating the sounds of the Motif XF7 on the Montage M7, which costs a lot of time and work. Since I only used the master mode with a link to the song and pattern mode on the Motif, I basically have to reproduce everything from the ground up. I haven't found another faster option.

1. In some videos of the montage, I saw that you have an Overview tab in the Motion Control tab where you can see which controllers are connected to what (I find this overview really good, because you can see directly what is connected to each other and how). So far, I couldn't find it in the M7. I assume that this has been omitted in the new device, right? Yes, you can see in the Control Assign which controller takes over which task, but I personally find this overview really good.

2. Then I saw during the assembly that you have a switch in the home screen where you have "Type" or "Name" for each part to see the sound type or the name of the part. I assume that this was also omitted, or did I miss something?

3. Another question would be that I read in the Musicproduction Guide 03/2019 page 10 that you should first load the Motif All file into the user memory and then save it again as a user file in the montage and then possibly save it to the library later, so that the performances do not refer to the waveforms in the library, which would not be optimal. Before I had this information, I loaded the Motif All file as a library and if I need Voices or MixVoices from it, I first import it to the user memory and then I use the performances from the user. Does this method also work, or do I have to follow the steps as mentioned in the Musicproduction Guide, so that it runs smoothly later? I thought about possibly deleting the library later, because then I no longer need the sounds in the library and transferred the ones I need to the user memory.

Now I have some performances ready, but only about 5 from about 100 at the end. If I had to do all from the beginning new, because of this user and library thing, it’s better to begin now, than later, when I have some more ready. 

Thanks in advance for the answers.

Posted : 05/08/2024 8:46 pm
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I think the method in question 3 was for the first Montage, because I saw now a video on YouTube with Montage M Tips, that you can load the Motif File directly into the Library.

Posted : 06/08/2024 11:11 am
Posts: 8147
Illustrious Member

1) I don't see the overview page anymore.  I think Yamaha received more questions about this screen than it helped users and improving the screen (I have an ideascale about how to improve it) didn't seem to happen.


2) I believe the display of Part Name or Category Name is no longer something that can be toggled on the [PERFORMANCE] (HOME) screen but instead is something you need to set in the settings [UTILITY] "Settings" -> "System" and then toggle "Part Display" between type or name.


3) Loading to a Library slot then importing and deleting the library slot so there are not duplicates is fine.  This is the only way to merge without blowing away the user area.




Posted : 06/08/2024 2:20 pm
Marcio reacted
Posts: 250
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Welcome to the forum! And congrats on your new M7.

1. The controller overview tab, for whatever reason, was NOT included in the M models

2. The home screen shows both 'type' and 'name' for the parts - they just aren't labeled as such in the new M models.

3. I first import it to the user memory and then I use the performances from the user. Does this method also work

Yes - that works and is discussed on pages 494/495 of the Operations doc.

That, and other docs, are available for download here:

Notice on that page the update to version 2.00 of the OS. You should apply that update if the M7 you have has an older version. You can find the version shown on the 'Utility -> Settings -> System' screen.

The videos and info you found are referring to the original Montage model and NOT the new M models. Although much of the information they provide will be applicable to the M model you have they won't cover the new functionality of the M models.

This post was modified 1 month ago by Toby
Posted : 06/08/2024 2:25 pm
Marcio reacted
Posts: 580
Prominent Member

To complete Jason and Toby answers, the choose to Select Type or part name is in Utilityn Settings, System, it's a general choice for all performances on "part Display", see screen capture join on that post.


This post was modified 1 month ago by Joel
Posted : 06/08/2024 8:24 pm
Marcio reacted
Posts: 250
Reputable Member

the choose to Select Type or part name is in Utilityn Settings, System,

Odd thing is when you select name you ONLY get name but if you slect type you get BOTH type and name.

Posted : 06/08/2024 9:28 pm
Marcio reacted
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Posted by: Toby

Odd thing is when you select name you ONLY get name but if you slect type you get BOTH type and name.

What do mean, if I select type I get both? If I set type I only see the type, where I can see the name of part1 in the main screen, if type is selected?



Posted : 11/08/2024 3:00 pm
Posts: 250
Reputable Member

If I set type I only see the type, where I can see the name of part1 in the main screen, if type is selected?

If you select 'type' you should see both the part name and the part type on the performance home screen. See item #6 on the graphic on page 111 the ops doc

(6) Part Name
Part Type and Category, or Part Name will be shown.

Just right of the red line for (6) on the graphic it shows 'Piano Acoustic' and 'AWM2' for part 1 and 'Keys FM Piano' and 'FM-X' for part 2. Those are the part names and the part types.

If you select 'name' on the utility screen you only see the part names - but you see both if you select 'type' (the default). That is what I see on my M8X.

Posted : 12/08/2024 4:49 pm
Posts: 8147
Illustrious Member

"Keys" (or really "Keyboard" ) is a main category and "FM Piano" is a sub-category.


"Piano" is a main category and "Acoustic" is a sub-category.


If the content providers decided to name Part names the same as the Main+Sub Category (or just main or just sub) names then you'd see "the same" information.  This is a choice. 


If I remember from the original Montage (I don't have it plugged in right now to verify) - most of the names matched the main/sub category names and I think at one point I assumed these were just generated by a script that matched these up.  There are libraries and 3rd party content that better utilize these names and put something more meaningful than just a copy of the category names here.

Posted : 12/08/2024 7:21 pm
Marcio reacted
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Posted by: Toby

(6) Part Name
Part Type and Category, or Part Name will be shown.


But I can’t see both things at the same time. Like the ops doc says “ Part Type and Category, OR Part Name”

If I put type I see the Main Category and the Sub Category but I can’t see the name. If I put name I see only the name without the Category.

This I understand, but I don’t see the part name if I choose type. I only see the Category.

For Example the Performance “Poly Dreamz”, if I put name, I see in the Home Screen Poly Dreamz as name of part1 in this example, but if I put type I see “SynCp Analog” for both Categories, but without name.

I don’t find the option to see both as you say. Name shows the name and type shows the type of both categories but not the name at the same time, or what do you mean?

Maybe I don’t understand what you mean, but if I put type, I can’t see the part name, only the both Categories. To see the name I must go into Edit mode, or put it to Name and then I see the Name in the Home screen.

Thanks for the help to everyone.


Posted : 14/08/2024 5:38 am
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Posted by: Toby

Just right of the red line for (6) on the graphic it shows 'Piano Acoustic' and 'AWM2' for part 1 and 'Keys FM Piano' and 'FM-X' for part 2. Those are the part names and the part types.

Now I get it what you mean with Name and Type. Yes in this case you see the Name and the type but in the example of Poly Dreamz with one part I thought I could see the Name “Poly Dreamz” and the type “SynCp Analog” at the same time.

Posted : 14/08/2024 6:04 am

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