When will MONTAGE / MODX Connect have native Apple Silicon support?
In Cubase 12 without Rosetta it's not usable.
My 'Magic 8 ball' says: '● Ask again later.'.
Only Yamaha knows the answer to that - assuming there is one.
I suspect they might even try to avoid making the upgrade.
Rosetta, on a Pro or Max, is somewhat spritely. Enough that they're probably thinking they can get away with just relying on it for as long as possible.
And, add to that line of thought... that whilst many other popular software still requires it, most users will have it, so why bother...?
Or it could drop with an upgrade to the MODX/+ and Montage lines, that's soon, and chock full of all the IdeaScale ideas, and all the bug fixes, too. But none of the low hanging fruit fixes and adds.
Also... bacon flies.