Forgive the title - I couldn’t think how to describe this!
Once upon a time (20 years ago) I played on an electric mimic of a pipe organ with a two-octave pedalboard, that had the facility to drop the lowest keyboard played note an octave deeper to mimic a pipe organ pedalboard sound. That is, it played at the current octave as well as one lower. Does the Montage have some workaround where I could apply something similar?
I’d love to do something similar with a top note too, ie an octave higher, or even better, have whatever top note I am playing assigned to a different part in addition to the parts I am already playing in chord formation (church hymns).
Imagine a trumpet added only to the top note of a pipe organ chord being played by the right hand, and euphonium brass or a 16’ pipe organ pedal part as the lowest note sounding for chords played by the left.
I don’t want to split the keyboard, as I only have two hands and would need four to achieve the effect I’m seeking.
There is not a facility to play only the top note of a right-hand chord or only the bottom note of a left-hand chord.
You could perhaps do something with ARPs - but they would not necessarily place the notes where you are describing you'd wish them to be.
You could also split the keyboard with the extra octave-lower pipe (pedalboard) in the left hand and trumpet in the right - where both are set to monophonic (instead of poly). One note out of what chords you are playing will sound - not necessarily the lowest/highest. But that may work. If you roll your notes correctly (down for LH, up for RH) - you can end up with what you wished for playing this way.
I think Tyros/Genos has more facility to recognize position of notes and do different things with them. Not deep with that line - but there's a different approach to that instrument that allows a little more specificity to notes played in a chord and what they do.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Imagine a trumpet added only to the top note of a pipe organ chord being played by the right hand, and euphonium brass or a 16’ pipe organ pedal part as the lowest note sounding for chords played by the left.
Maybe you can do that with aftertouch... I'm not sure I never tried.
Aftertouch is channel. Meaning the entire MIDI channel senses aftertouch. There is no way to distinguish the highest note of aftertouch from the lowest note of aftertouch. If your MIDI channel (say channel 1) note range was from C-2 to G8 (all 128 notes) - then the lowest key on your keyboard's aftertouch looks exactly like the highest key on the keyboard aftertouch.
Only polyAT (polyphonic aftertouch) would distinguish between notes. And that would be possible to use - but difficult to control. You could jam your pinkys down to play the trumpet line (or jam any finger down).
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R