Hello my montage 6 record in cubase 9 pro sound what looks and hear like 96khz or 44khz...time before is sound more detailed ..
I dont know why it is...
I have cubase 9 pro... and i must switch in menu device control of montage from 44.1 to 192... and after cubase show me the line up on sequencer where i can change 192 and 32 bit float recording...but optional conversion misding - hatd jazz and others... spunds looks like motif not montage...what i can do? Can you help?
Your post is not clear (I'm having trouble understanding what you want to do).
When you change the AUDIO I/O - you must 'restart' the Montage for the change to take effect. I mention that because YOU did not mention that.
You must also set the Project in Cubase to the Sample Rate you want to use. Please see Cubase Pro 9 documentation for details.
Sample Rate setting for the Project is found on the Cubase menu bar under PROJECT > Project Setup...