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montage turns itself off....

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my Montage turns itself off after a while even thow I deactivated the turn off function. It turns itself off when I use it as a soundcard for something like youtube. should I be worried? well, yes, actually, I am worried, what could be wrong?....

Posted : 03/06/2020 6:38 pm
Posts: 8168
Illustrious Member

Just checking: when the automatic power-down feature "fires off" - it actually physically flips the rocker switch in Montage from on to off. Is your physical switch now in the OFF position when this happens? Because if you saw a power loss from the AC line in - then the switch would be not in the OFF position - but in the ON position still. I don't think that's what happening because you didn't say it turns back on again on its own - I'm just explaining some of the different failure signatures. I was wondering if to turn on your Montage if the switch was already on and you had to rock it OFF then ON. Since Montage does have control over its own physical switch - I suppose something like an over-current event (power supply crowbar) or similar failure could invoke the same mechanism as the automatic powerdown uses. This would be a service event to look at that.

If you're using a power strip, I'd perhaps plug Montage straight into an outlet without sharing any other devices on the same circuit. And try a different circuit you know is using a different breaker (different breaker just so you know you're using a different branch - not that I'm concerned about the breakers themselves).

Also, I wonder if there's something else going on like heating/cooling system cycling when the failure occurs. A sine wave UPS would smooth that out if you happen to have something like that to isolate power.

I get that this may be something new - but I'm just thinking out loud of some possibilities.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 04/06/2020 2:29 am
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Hi Jason, this first started happening last summer. At that time, the power off was set to 30 Minutes. I observed it and it went off at random, not after 30 minutes. Then I set the power off function to off and this did not happen anymore. Now this summer it has started again.... I checked, the power off was set to 30 minutes again. I don´t know if the OS update reset this or not. so now I set it to off again and we´ll see what happens.

yes, the physical switch goes into the off position. it´s not hanging on a power strip.

it only turns itself off when I use it as a soundcard for youtube or when I don´t do anything. it has never powered off when used with Cubase or when I play it. therefore it´s not much of a problem right now, but still something to worry about.

as far as the elctricity in this house, yes, it could be kind of questionable. but I have no idea how to find out about any random kind of power loss from that outlet.

Posted : 04/06/2020 5:59 am
Posts: 8168
Illustrious Member

In general when this kind of thing happens - and it may seem that automatic power-off is not off (by the way Montage is acting) and yet the setting is off - often times a debug step would be to backup your keyboard and initialize it (initialize all data). This will put the keyboard back to factory defaults. Before restoring the backup, I would then use the keyboard under various scenarios that were failing before (the as-a-soundcard use) and just generally get a handle on the function after initialization.

Since full backups restore system settings - it should also restore your setting for the "Auto Power Off". However, I'd still go back and check after restoring the backup that "Auto Power Off" is indeed off. And also since backups restore "everything" - maybe there's something that will make the keyboard misbehave once the backup is restored. Which is why I'd take a test drive with an initialized keyboard first - then layer on the backup file later after learning about what a clean system does.

As far as the "randomness" of auto power off when you had it on: there was some previous discussion that cited specific cases where auto power off would be defeated. One was if you had a pending edit and had not yet stored the modified Performance. I believe this is one case where the power off would be defeated in order to avoid losing important volatile memory modifications (like your edit buffer). That may not apply to what you're doing today - but it may, at least, give more confidence in the system.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 04/06/2020 6:17 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Your Utility system settings are stored in your User files. You can continue to be baffled by how a setting might change, and then change back or you can try to remember what you have loaded into your instrument at the time. Initializing your Utility Settings will also reset your settings to factory defaults.

Once you realize this - it stops happening (or once you know to check your Utility system setting before making a File)... suddenly it stops happening. I had a customer that tuned their instrument to something other than 440... made a bunch of files... while in that state. Later they thought they had a ‘ghost in the machine’ because mysteriously the unit would “detune itself”... No such thing, actually it happened every time they loaded one of those User Files with the weird tuning. And would reset when they loaded a file with normal tuning.

Load your USER Files, one-by-one, and verify your Auto Power Off preference. If (when) you find the culprit(s), immediately make the change and re-SAVE that file by overwriting it. That‘s how you can update your files. You only have to worry about your User Files (.X7U) and Backup Files (.X7A). (Library Files do not save your Utility system settings).

You just did a firmware update; Did you “Initialize All Settings”? Did you “Initialize User Data”? Did you “Initialize All Data”?
Probably? Maybe? Once you know this is one of the things that resets things to factory default... it will stop stumping you. (Until you forget again...)

30 minutes is factory default. Is that what your unit mysteriously returns to? Never 15 minutes? or 120 minutes? or some other number... hmmm! It’s your files or you doing an initialize function. Guaranteed.

Posted : 04/06/2020 7:30 am

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