Hi . Such a problem with Arp. I was looking through the different styles in my Montage6 and noticed that in some styles the Arp stops after 2 or 3 bars. I had this yesterday in 4 different styles. Do you guys have the same in your Montage like this? Is it some kind of bug in the system? Please give me a hint.
Need details. Post example please.
Which arp? Are you holding down the keys/chord? Are you using Arp Hold?
If you post an actual example we will try to reproduce the problem.
I would bet against this being a bug.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
I randomly auditioned the styles that come standard. I held with one finger with no hold. It was not regular when I played the style not every keystroke the ARP stopped. A little so randomly it occurred even in the same style. I did not save the styles to myself. If there is a problem again I will write down the name. Thank you for the hint.
I randomly auditioned the styles that come standard. I held with one finger with no hold. It was not regular when I played the style not every keystroke the ARP stopped. A little so randomly it occurred even in the same style. I did not save the styles to myself. If there is a problem again I will write down the name. Thank you for the hint.
What arp? Please post details. Are you playing a holding a key? Or playing a releasing the key? What is the status of 'Arp Hold'?
If you post an actual example we can try to reproduce it.