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Not able to use Soundmondo reliably : Plea to Yamaha Software Developers. Make User patches available as a download option.

1 Posts
2 Users
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   So after many years of issues with the older montage, and now many months with the M, of waiting on Yamaha dev's to offer a solution / alternative for the users like many others and myself.I'm coming to the forums again, hoping to get some interaction and dialogue started regarding the soundmondo issues, where customers simply cannot reliably make a connection and share the same user experience. This is well documented over the years not just with the M, but even the older montage/modx.

We've already established that many have soundmondo working quite well. Yet there are many of us who don't get so lucky. We've also submitted our typical bug reports, contacted tech support, even ideascale requests.

Yamaha these keyboards are not cheap, we both know that, yet we support you guys, because lets face it Yamaha has incredible sounds and are among the best in the business. A real alternative solution for sharing the sounds on the other hand cost's you nothing. What we're asking for is an alternative way to download the User performances.

This is not falling on deaf ears, in terms of the customers  / users, as many of us continue to share the issues they have with soundmondo. We're now at a point  where we've been asking if Yamaha can simply offer us a download option has become stale and old, without any feedback from them.


Yamaha please make the user experience equal for all customers. A simple download link with the performances is the answer.

And Yes we are aware there's been a user in the forums who's actually created a link for the sysex, but in many cases, that's the exact issue where these sysex players don't work reliably with our Montage's either.



Thanks, jon



Posted : 30/09/2024 4:06 am

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