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Online Tutoring Suggestions?

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Does anyone know of knowledgeable online tutors that charge an hourly rate to teach the ins and outs of the Montage (as well as Cubase if they also have that skill set) in live one-on-one sessions using Zoom or a similar medium? With all due respect to Yamaha-generated tutorial videos, other YouTube how-to videos, manuals, this forum, etc., I'm finding myself making very little progress in mastering the Montage's vast potential.

While I was a professional musician for a number of years in my "youth," I later developed a career in an unrelated field which requires a lot of my time (as well as taking care of the needs of a family) - which means I start to develop an understanding of an aspect of the Montage; and then get busy with the seasonal intensity of my day job. Once I get the time to jump in again, I find myself having to go back and relearn what I have now forgotten. It's not that I mind putting in the effort necessary to learn; it's just that I don't have as much time to do so as I would like.

In truth, I would prefer to be spending most of my creative time writing and recording music. As I find myself starting to run out of years on the planet (aren't we all 😉 !), I'd like to find ways to speed up the learning process through a more customized approach.

I'd appreciate any suggestions.



Posted : 25/01/2023 7:52 am
Posts: 1715
Noble Member

I don't know of anyone doing online teaching.

However... there's some epic tutorials in French, with English subtitles hard rendered into them... and they're scripted and he's covering the ins and outs and ups and downs, from the point of view of the Motion Sequencer, which is the one aspect of the Montage through which you can learn the whole device.

And there's something about the ways of his teachings and the reading of what he's saying, and hearing it in French, that makes it stick. And I know no French, other than armagnac and cognac, The French Paradox and the beauty of their women.

Posted : 25/01/2023 8:05 am
Posts: 1715
Noble Member

quick side note...

The Motion Sequencer is the heart of complexity on the Montage/MODX.

It might seem the worst place to start. And it probably is... but for one thing... the three part video of the French gentleman linked above provides a near total introductory insight into how the complex heart of the Montage/MODX reaches into and through all the other features and functionality of the device, thereby being a perfect overview and overall introduction to the rest of the device.

But, far more than this, simply watching these vides (and making notes of times to reference later) will introduce you to how and why the device is structured the way it is and, therefore, begin to give (to the extent it's possible) a holistic insight into the overall structure of everything's interplay within the device.

These kinds of holistic viewpoints tend to stick and will, I hope, then be there with you forever. It is my sincere hope that these 3 videos bed you into the Montage, so no matter how long it is until the next time you have time, you have an overall perspective that's somewhat persistent to begin from, again. I know what this is like.

Perhaps more importantly, these videos will give you a total scope insight into what the device is, in sum, thereby revealing the boundaries of the map of the device and go a good way to removing some of the intimidation you might have towards the (at the moment) invisible extents of what it is and can/can't do and be.

As helpful as I think that is, and important as it is... there is still the MASSIVE and ever continuing problem of the Yamaha Way™ to be encountered, every single time you operate these things. Yamaha doesn't do you, the user, any favours. Nothing is consistent, just about every small to medium operation and change you'd like to make is done by the least intuitive, most resistant, tiresome, irksome and maximum steps possible.

The workflow of these devices has not been thought through with primary consideration of user experience anywhere near the forefront. Instead, they've favoured making the lives of their programmers easier, whilst concurrently ignoring every touch interface convention since the launch of the iPhone and barely using the presentational capabilities of the screen, so everything is ever more menus away, always, and many useful things simply aren't ever visually revealed.

And then there's OS operational oversights, like the fact that there's not user presets for Part effects, and many other huge misses like this, that you'll come to see provide ever more proof that I'm not exaggerating in that last sentence of the above paragraph, despite how hyperbolic it first seems; I've actually only touched the surface of the UI and OS shortcomings.

Posted : 25/01/2023 10:30 am
Posts: 831
Prominent Member

Hey Cohenville,

I'm not aware of any online tutoring right off hand. You could try the Facebook group called "Yamaha Montage / MODX Community". Someone on there might offer that as a service, possibly 'Francis V. Capistrano'..!? (I thought someone had advertised this a few years back / or maybe it was someone requesting ... I can't remember tbh)

It depends on how deep you want to go into the belly of the beast and the Montage is a MONSTER synth that can do far more than most people will ever attempt, myself included.

But start with the basics and work up to the hard stuff once you have mastered those & figured out a workflow that works for you.

I usually do a Google/YouTube search or throw the questions out to a forum if there is something I can't figure out on my own (&/or can't find a video that shows how)...

I found that Bad Mister's videos were quite helpful. You can search for them on YT or find them on this site...! There are many others who post "how to" videos, and sometimes more specifically focused videos on YT...

Keep track of the all YouTube or YamahaSynth or Forum post links somewhere, so that you can reference them the next time you forget something or just need a refresher. I've revisited a few links that I have saved more than once 😉
I also try to add notes with the link if there are just a quick few steps, or information that isn't in the video that is helpful...

One of the first things I would suggest learning is the different storage/memory areas (& the terminology), and how to save/backup stuff, such as save a 'Performance' (patch/program/voices/combinations), how to backup 'User area' memory as both a User file (.X7U) & as a Library file (.X7L), do a FULL Backup of "Everything".

Learn the difference between "Preset" (ROM) memory for Performances, waveforms, ARPs, etc., vs. "Library" memory vs. "User" area memory. And understand where the waveforms are stored for each, as well as how the Performance points to those waveforms in each of those areas.

Learn how to load 'Libraries' (loading/memory), learn how to load 'User' area memory files (**& the caution when doing so, as it wipes out everything that is currently saved in the User area).

Learn the difference between "Saving" a Performance vs. doing a "Library Import" of a Performance from a library that is currently loaded ('Saving'=Performance data only is copied to User area ... 'Library Import'=Performance data+waveforms are copied to User area).

Learning the basics of what a Performance is, what a PART is, the different types of sound Engines that a PART can be created in (AWM2, FM-X & Drum/AWM2), what an Element is (AWM2 sample/waveforms engine), what an Operator is (FM-X engine). How to navigate within a Performance and Edit PARTs, Elements, Operators, Effects, etc.. How to copy or move PARTs, Elements, Operators within a Performance or PARTs to/from other Performances. How to edit all the various parameters of each.

Learn how to use Scenes to change what PARTs, settings, etc. are set at a given time so that you can enable certain PARTs and disable others in each Scene, as well as change volumes, panning, effects sends, mute, KBD CTRL, etc. Learn the advantages of enable/disable KBD CTRL vs Mute. Learn about how PARTs 1-8 are the ones that are more easily playable from the keybed, whereas PARTs 9-16 are best used for sequenced stuff (although can play each of those PARTs if you select the individually)...
Personally I always use only 1 Performance for a given song, and I change the sounds via Scenes within that Performance.

Learn to use the buttons where possible too, instead of the touch screen (where possible)...

There is a lot to learn, and sure there are many things that could be improved in the future (as is the case with any synth), but overall it's an awesome synth, and I've yet to find a sound that I can't closely emulate on it..! What the Montage might currently lack in operational intuitiveness &/or workflows for some people, it more than makes up in sound quality, functionality, features, polyphony, etc. If you plan to utilize Cubase, Pro Tools, or another DAW based application as part of your workflow, then the Montage will be perfect, as it was designed as a Synth originally (not as a Workstation) to use a DAW for sequencing and other things that can be offloaded to a PC or MAC. Although Yamaha did add an onboard sequencer in the last major 3.0 update a few years back for those people who asked for it and didn't want to use a DAW...

I'm guessing by the time you learn most of the basics above, Yamaha will likely have released a new OS Update and have added more new useful features/enhancements/functionality/effects, etc. 😉



Posted : 25/01/2023 4:32 pm
Michael Trigoboff
Posts: 0
Honorable Member

While I am not the world’s foremost expert on either the Montage or Cubase, I have experience with both and can probably help you learn some of the things you want to know.

You can reach me and set up a tutoring session via Wyzant.

Posted : 14/02/2023 12:57 am
Posts: 603
Prominent Member

Thank you Andrew for linking one of my video.

I provide online One to One courses about using Montage, MODX+, MODX, YC and PC, Camelot Pro and John Melas Softwares.
In French and in English also.

I'm Yamaha Tech Talk Live team member and Audio modeling leader for French and English Master Class for Camelot Pro.

Due to the state of my personnal company, i can provide courses for Yamaha users that live in European Union only.
Normaly i can expand all other the world on ending year with Music Hackspace that work to provide this kind of platform for One to One too, i"m hurry it can be done.

Exception for Camelot Pro, like i work thru Audio modeling platform, i can done courses all other the world (need to take care about time zone of course).

You can find all informations about One to One courses on all my YouTube video description like my last release: Yamaha MODX+ Basics | Using A/D Input (English with subtitles):

In case you live in USA for your Montage/MODX's using, check with my friend from Yamaha Tech Talk Live Team: Hans-Peter Henkel if he can done or from Francis Capistano from Narfsounds.

Have a nice day.


Posted : 15/02/2023 7:12 am
Posts: 1715
Noble Member

Joel!!! THANK YOU!!!

Your videos have always been and will forever remain the best source of insight into the MODX and Montage.

Impossible to express the full gratitude. Thank you for scripting, thinking through and explaining things very well, sensibly and with care and consideration for the user's experiences.

Legendary effort. All the very best to you and yours.

You're a gem!

Posted : 16/02/2023 2:56 am

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