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OS v.2.5 - New "cheatlist" of MIDI Bank Select & Program Changes REQUIRED

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A new "cheatlist" of MIDI Bank Select & Program Changes is REQUIRED.

I ask myself why Yamaha can´t sort the the performances in the MIDI banks according by type of sounds and its purpose.

For example: Bank 1 Acoustic Pianos , Bank 2 Electric Pianos , Bank 3 Basses, Bank 4 Solo Orchestra Instruments, Bank 5 Sectional Orchestral instruments.......and enable a second párt of the instrument for pure electronic performances.

Another intelligent decision could be to divide the presets memory in two parts one for the musicians and other for the DJs allowing the users to choose in which neighboor they want to live.

Posted : 31/07/2018 5:13 pm
Posts: 8357
Illustrious Member

I just saw a UC panel presentation on Charles Mingus which talked about the Tijuana Moods album and how it was one of many examples of how Mingus defied genre categories. How genres are constructs of an economic engine to funnel consumers to certain vertical silos with a set of "dedicated" resources (employees, promoters, retailers, etc) wrapped around each silo. And, as a musician, how such economically driven constructs do not always serve our endeavors which sometimes align with artistic expression more than economic categorization. Yes, we need bread to afford the jelly (translation: we've got to eat) - but one vision of preset organization will likely not make practical sense to everyone. It's an area of contention.

More than rewriting the book on how these sounds are organized - I'd rather just make it a rule not to ever shuffle the deck and keep assignments of the preset Performance numbers static and keep the MSB/LSB pairs for each bank and "page" of each bank static. This deck has already been shuffled (the MSB/LSB one) - so there's no going back in time. This sort of shuffling invites error in various tags not only for external assignments (user content and 3rd party software) - but also causes error in the firmware itself as was identified with a "tag" issue in v2.0.

That said - I can release a new cheat sheet for this version.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 31/07/2018 5:27 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Looking for sounds via “Category”: Example, looking for Acoustic Pianos
Touch “Main = Piano” > “Sub = Acoustic”

Looking for Electric Pianos
Touch “Main = Keyboard” > “Sub = “Electric Piano”
And so on.

Looking for Basses:
Touch “Main = Bass” > “Sub = the type of Bass... Acoustic, Electric, Synth, etc.

If you’re a “DJ” or you just happen to be looking for a sound in a specific genre of music, try searching by genre... looking for Bass sounds related to “Electronic” Music try that as your (Bass) Sub Category.
Looking for “Keyboard” sounds related to “R&B/HipHop” try that Category and Sub Category, respectively.

With the ability to have over 8000 Performances accessible (Factory Preset, User and Library), the prospect of grouping them numerically in nice neat packages is not feasible, particularly when adding sounds to the basic ROM (and is made unnecessary) by the use of the Search function. Since it’s release 735 new Factory Preset Performances have been added to MONTAGE... and still more to come.

More details:
Mastering MONTAGE: Using Category Search

Posted : 01/08/2018 11:51 am
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Mr Phil Clendeninn:

I will ask you a personal favor: Please don´t reply more my posts.

You are not interested into help people according their own interests and way of understanding what is music and how to do it and/or how to use the tools for to get its purposes.

You are only interested into hear your own voice, you are in a narcissistic love with your own points of view and your own form of to conceive how music should be done and how the instruments should be used.

Many of my recent posts have been CENSORED and I have the a serious suspicious that you are an important part in this censorship.

If I need help I will ask for it to Jason, he is more precise in his explanations and technically more skilled for the job.

I wish you have good luck with the DJs, I live in other neighboor.

Posted : 02/08/2018 12:47 am
Posts: 8357
Illustrious Member

This could easily take a left turn. I guess I would hope we could all respect contrary opinions / approaches without personal attack. I too sometimes get frustrated by the tone of messages or also sometimes at the occasional miscommunication. We're human and come from varied biases which lends itself to hiccups.

There's a difference between the hats an employee (insider) needs to wear vs. a regular user (outsider). As an outsider, I'm more likely to "dig in" to what I perceive as issues (usability, missing feature-set, etc) while the "inside man" does need to wear a PR hat which focuses on the positive. This dichotomy can be complementary. I do see progress even on issues raised that receive push-back initially.

Even with the infrequent "nose wrinkle" I get by reading official responses - on balance, the depth of knowledge and access to information "behind the curtains" makes, for me, BM's contribution invaluable. It's difficult for me to think of products I use on a daily basis that I have as much access to a virtual "direct line" to the product team. Again, I'm not arguing one way or the other if you should or should not feel the same way - I'm just speaking from what I see. That I can see your point to a certain degree in my own experience - but also that there are many "holes in one" that offset those times when I have a sense of dissatisfaction.

BM does have hours, years, earned stripes, etc - over me. Without BM - there would be many more holes in the puzzle for me. Half of what I know is rehash of something he's posted which filled in the blanks or hinted at things to come.

He's also a better player than me. His roots are deeper into the system of electronic music. My roots are more in 19th century non-electronic music. I continue to study/perform on traditional instruments and use the keyboard as an accessory. His bio in the articles and other forum posts shed light on his recording and collaborative work. My musical tentacles do not run as wide.

I really do hope your experience with Montage is positive and that any gaps you find/perceive can be filled with either learning different approaches which continue to facilitate your inspired musical expression or that your hopefully positive constructive feedback can outline something which Montage adopts in future platform updates.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 02/08/2018 4:05 am
Posts: 8357
Illustrious Member

Here's an update. I did not resolve how many PARTs are used by the new Performances. The procedure is more involved than applying a formula - so I just added the new Performances with MSB/LSB+PC as the initial versions of this cheat sheet featured.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 05/08/2018 11:49 pm
Posts: 0
Active Member


This is a peer support forum full of lots of helpful tips and advice.

No-one is obliged to help you with anything and yet they continue to offer advice.

Whether you choose to accept that advice is up to you but to abuse someone for offering it is just anti-social.

I suggest that in future you RTFM and figure stuff out for yourself.

Posted : 06/08/2018 8:58 am
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You are wrong, this is the official tech support forum of Yamaha Corp.

The company does not reply more requests sent by private emails and sends the customers to this forum.

Mr Phil Clendeninn and Jason reply in the name of Yamaha Corp and Mr Phil Clendeninn is employee of the company as I have been informed.

So it is "not personal", if the company has decided to not reply private requests and in my country, Argentina, the tech suppot team looks like in permanent vacations, I am forced to post my disagreements and claims here.

Posted : 08/08/2018 8:08 pm
Posts: 8357
Illustrious Member

My posts are not affiliated with Yamaha at all. I'm just another keyboard player trying to get the most out of my gear and helping others to do the same. I do not intend to be confrontational - but just wanted to clear up:

... Jason reply in the name of Yamaha Corp

This is not accurate.

Also, I covered this in another thread - but in response to:

Many of my recent posts have been CENSORED

Be aware that even Phil's (BM) posts have been deleted. This is not part of censorship, but part of a spam cleanup policy which, unfortunately, removes even good posts. I would include your posts into the "good posts" category.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 08/08/2018 11:27 pm

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