Your input influences our development for your synthesizers! Take just a few minutes to let us know more about you in this short survey.
Thank you!
I either got the wrong survey - or this is one of the worst instances of click-bait I have ever seen, lol 🙂
The survey I was sent to was 100% about product marketing - not product development.
I have answer 😉
G wrote:
I either got the wrong survey - or this is one of the worst instances of click-bait I have ever seen, lol 🙂
The survey I was sent to was 100% about product marketing - not product development.
Couldn't agree more.
Hello to all - as you say, not the slightest interest in what I wanted in a synth. In fact I saw no point in the survey at all.
A survey that has answer limits of "Never" "Sometimes" and "Always" is a poor survey. "Never" and "Always" are too extreme leaving "sometimes" (often) the only applicable answer. If sticking to 3 choices "Never/infrequently", "Sometimes", "Frequently/Always" would be better and at least would capture something other than the polar extremes for the two end-caps.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Bad Mister wrote:
Well I hope you answered that things like forums are helpful - lol.
lol, actually that was in there - and I did. 🙂
I have to agree with all the above comments. I was hoping to give some input as to my initial experience with a Montage including the cheap masonite board used on the bottom panel and not enough detail in the manual. Telling me to move the cursor is helpful but only if I know where the cursor should be before moving it.