I have worked on the MOTIF SX8 and Cubase for many years and when "render in place" came out it certainly made converting MIDI to audio so much easier. So now I have the MONTAGE and was going to render 10 MIDI tracks to audio and when I highlighted the tracks and clicked on "render in place" nothing happened. Are there settings I need configure on the MONTAGE in order for this function work? I have MONTAGE Firmware 1.51.1 and Cubase 9.0.1.
Thanks for any and all help on this!
Render in Place doesn't work for External Instruments.
External HW-Synths require real-time-export to bounce the audio.
Tarek, thanks for the reply and confirming that for me.......It worked well with the MOTIF but from what I see I better just get it out of my head to stop comparing the MONTAGE to the MOTIF as it really is just completely different. Superior in so many ways.......but there are things I will miss about the MOTIF, this being one of them as directing each instrument to the appropriate USB channel is bit more time consuming than clicking "render in place" .......lol
Thanks again for the reply!
don't know, maybe this can help you
Thank you, that is the way I eventually had to do it..........
It is best to recognize that Montage is not Motif... but Motif had 16 years to evolve from the original back in 2001. Let's give Montage some time to get there.
What allowed the Motif-series to use the "Render in Place" function introduced a few years ago in Cubase series 7 (if memory serves) was the advanced VSTi audio/MIDI routing scenario. There might be a way to get this going again. Thank you for mentioning this as I will renew my efforts to see if this can be returned for use with Montage (it's good to know some folks are, or were, using this. It was extremely convenient.
Bad Mister wrote:
It is best to recognize that Montage is not Motif... but Motif had 16 years to evolve from the original back in 2001. Let's give Montage some time to get there.
What allowed the Motif-series to use the "Render in Place" function introduced a few years ago in Cubase series 7 (if memory serves) was the advanced VSTi audio/MIDI routing scenario. There might be a way to get this going again. Thank you for mentioning this as I will renew my efforts to see if this can be returned for use with Montage (it's good to know some folks are, or were, using this. It was extremely convenient.
+1 This would be super!
I'm thinking it was Cubase series 8, now that I think about it.
It was Cubase 8 and thank you for your response as I was hoping to hear your take on this and thanks for looking into it further............you know I always say a luxury once sampled becomes a necessity! lol ---- thanks again!
Hi. Maybe you can help me. I was working in a project in Cubase 9. I use Reface Cs. It is set up as external instrument, like external plug in. I also have volca bass connected as external instrument. I could render them both in place. It suddenly stopped working. Cubase opens another audio track but nothing is recorded on it. Please help. Thank you.
The render in place fuction does not work with the Montage, but(!) there is a better way to realize render in place with the Montage in Cubase.
You can route every Part in Montage to a different or same output channel. In Cubase you can record the Channel. Ready!
OI puts a link in his above post but the video that follows describes the Workflow in detail.
Forget "Render in Place", "Record in Track".
Mastering MONTAGE: Cubase Setup (Part 5)
Using MONTAGE with Cubase (Part 5): Buses and audio track rendering fundamentals:
-Creating and setting up an audio track in Cubase
-Advantages of rendering to separate audio tracks explained
-Busing to separate MONTAGE audio outputs explained
-Workflow examples exploring the unique benefits of processing separate outputs discussed