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Run out of available scenes for my song!

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I have used up all the 8 scenes building my current song using the pattern sequencer (i.e. intro, verse, chorus, bridge etc etc) but I could really do with a couple more scenes to finish off ... that's unless you can somehow 'merge together' both the pattern sequencer data and the part settings from a two scenes together into 1 "merged scene" that possible?

Also, am I restricted to using only 12 parts in any 1 scene or should I be able to access 16 parts?

Posted : 09/02/2022 2:41 pm
Posts: 108
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Let me try to expand on my issue and apologies if my Montage knowledge is a bit short of what I need here:

As I previosly mentioned, I have recorded a song using the pattern sequencer which I recorded in several sections (i.e. an intro /verse /chorus /bridge etc) using 'the pattern chain' . For example I recorded bars 1-7 (using my scene 1 settings) and then moved on to bars 8-12 (using my scene 2 settings) and carried on like this until I had used up all 8 scenes (linking these all together using the pattern chain. Frustratingly though I hadn't reached the end of my song before I ran out of available scenes. Although I obviously was able to repeat using some of the existing scenes where needed, I now need to use some other additional settings for the last sections but I have no more scenes left....hope this makes sense?

My 2nd issue is that within some of my scenes, I wanted to use more than eight parts but when I tried adding more parts (so in slots 9-16) Montage didn't seem to allow those parts to sound alonside my 1-8 parts. That's when I was asking if (for recording purposes) I am restricted to only 1-8?

Would welcome anymore feedback here


Posted : 09/02/2022 8:26 pm
Posts: 8328
Illustrious Member

Parts 9-16 you can only record one at a time.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 09/02/2022 8:35 pm
Posts: 108
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@Jason: Parts 9-16 you can only record one at a time

So r u saying I CAN record/overdub in extra parts selected from 9-16 (but 1 at a time...yes)

Posted : 09/02/2022 9:08 pm
Posts: 8328
Illustrious Member

Yes. I just created a Performance with 3 Parts. Part 1 was an acoustic bass I started with. Copied Part 1 to Part 9. Then added CFX Stage to Part 10.

I started recording a pattern with Part 9 selected. This established the bass line. While the tape was rolling and bass was playing back, I switched to Part 10 and added chord comping. Parts 9+10 are now playing back and recording is still available to go down the line (11-16) if I had placed more Parts there.

You would want to limit to sounds that utilize single Parts.

If you want a multi-Part sound to occupy Parts 9-16 I would record the multi-Part in Parts 1-8 and then swap out the Parts to the slots you want them to occupy in Parts 9-16.

Otherwise, single-Part recording is fine in 9-16. I picked Acoustic Bass (single Part) and CFX Stage (single Part).

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 09/02/2022 10:16 pm
Posts: 108
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Thanks Jason

Posted : 09/02/2022 10:19 pm
Posts: 8328
Illustrious Member

BTW: I'm not addressing the scene issue due to my lack of use of the pattern recorder. Someone else with more usage can help with tips for that.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 09/02/2022 10:34 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

There is no one-way to use the Pattern Sequencer - same as there is no one-way to compose music. The MONTAGE/MODX Performance Recorder is made up of two sequencing functions. MIDI SONG which is a linear construction tool and PATTERN which is a loop based construction tool.

They are two parts of the same recorder. Data can be moved strategically between the modes.
You can create a CHAIN - convert to a linear SONG, then go and "GET" a large portion of it lengthen your Pattern Scenes.

A Pattern Scene can be from 1 to 256 Measures in Length. Consider this fact when you need more than eight Scenes.

If you have created multiple Scenes and then created a Pattern Chain... Go ahead an CONVERT that to a linear SONG location.
Then you can use the Pattern "Edit/Job" > "Song/Event" Job to "Get Phrase" from that linear SONG to reconfigure your Pattern Scenes

For example, you have Intro/Verse/Chorus/Bridge etc. - commit to that structure and make it SCENE 1...
Then in SCENE 2 you can have the individual (short) sections

In general, if you use traditional song structures - for example, the popular song 32-bar AABA structure. Where 1st Verse, 2 Verse, Bridge, Verse are like 8 measure structures. You might add a one time INTRO in the front and perhaps an extended Chorus or Hook section, etc. The Pattern sequencer can certainly accommodate this type of traditional song structure - but also recognize that it serves those whose musical structures are so far away from the tradition 32-bar structure... you might have 192-bar slow-buildup as SCENE 1 and a 96-bar free solo section in SCENE 2 and so on.

As far apart in musical form as you can get...

There are many ways to extend your sections and get more out of your tool... much depends on what you want the finished product to look like.
Most songs (and right away I know this may or may not fit your needs) have a consistent format, in other words the INTRO is always at the top of the composition and followed by the first Verse-- you can begin to APPEND one of your PATTERN SCENE (sections) onto the end of another.

If you need to change the arrange, each time you play, you may want to keep each section separate - that is up to you. But if the song has a permanent structure, you can create Pattern Scenes with more measures... after all a single SCENE can hold 256 measures

Posted : 10/02/2022 9:51 pm

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