If I modify a library performance, for example, Bossendorfer Grand, do I save it to user or Import it to user. I have been using save but maybe I should be using Import.
Should I first import to user and then make changes?
Hello Joseph - my extremely modest understanding is that you should always export your changes to USB, as User files, and then re-import them to the Montage as User files. Re-importing over-writes anything you have in the User areas, but if all changes are always saved to USB that won't matter. The advantage is having a rolling back-up when things go awry. As they do. Or at least mine does. Often. But nothing ventured, nothing gained. When you have enough User files (say over 500) you may consider converting them to a 'Library' file, which does not over-write your User areas, and starting again ...
Thanks but I was asking how handle changes to a library performance. Do I save it or Import it.
Or do I import the performance to the user , change it and then saved it.
I think the method is to Import the performance from the library to the user area - in this way any associated waveforms are also brought with it. Then the edit will be saved in the user area. That way if you save a User file or Library file to usb any non preset waveforms will be saved.
If I modify a library performance, for example, Bossendorfer Grand, do I save it to user or Import it to user. I have been using save but maybe I should be using Import.
Should I first import to user and then make changes?
A Library is in Read Only Memory, it is the equivalent of the Preset area of your instrument...except, it is memory that you, the user gets to define.
When you recall a Preset Performance, you can play it, perform with it. If you edit it, you must store your edit to what is called User memory. You cannot overwrite the factory data in its Preset location (it remains unchanged). The Preset data is in Read Only Memory.
In a very similar way, you can play a Library file, you can even edit it - storing your changes to the User memory. But a Library is a kind of memory YOU decide upon. You cannot change it permanently without first IMPORTING it, modify it, create a new file, then replace the Library with you newly modified version.
If you modify a Library Performance, like the Bosendorfer piano - if you want to make these modifications permanent... As in you want to rewrite the Bosendorfer Library, you would need to use the IMPORT LIBRARY routine. This will transfer the data and it's Waveform and Sample relationships to the User area... Where you make your modifications. When you have it exactly as you would like, you would then SAVE a new LIBRARY File. .X7U
Now you could remove the original Bosendorfer Library - and replace it by installing your newly created one.
If your desire is to permanently modify the Bosendorfer Library you should use IMPORT LIBRARY first.
Here's another use case... - How do you assemble the data you need from several installed Libraries, to make a new custom Library? By using the IMPORT LIBRARY routine to copy data from Read Only Memory to the internal USER area, you are doing so with the Waveforms, and any Arpeggios in tact. This means making a new file from the data in USER memory will contain everything needed to make a new Library.
Say your purchased three sound Libraries and you wanted to assemble a single "keeper" custom library from these three files.
Empty your User area
Install each of the three file as Library files... libraries go directly to ROM
Use Import Library to "import" just the keepers to your internal User area. (You can select as many as 640 Performances)
Create a new Library File .X7L of your keepers.
Clear all 3 Libraries in memory
Install your new custom Library.