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[Solved] Solution for get two meta-controllers under the feet.

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Posts: 450
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It was that simple but I did not see the apple within the reach of my…foot! For the use of 3 expression pedal without the limit of midi channel bound to the part, easy setting;

i assign to the midi pedal cc95 channel1, it is my midi pedal which control the SK

I Assign cc1 to the fc2 entry (the fc1 still using cc11)

i now have two meta controller under my feet. 

i will not use this set up for now as my actual repertory have been made without this third pedal and don’t need this extra sugar. But for the next one, I will program this new skill definitely.

Montage 7 classic

Posted : 20/10/2024 1:43 pm
Posts: 475
Honorable Member

Isn't that what Jason and I told you in your last thread?

It was that simple but I did not see the apple within the reach of my…foot! 

I'm just glad that apple didn't fall on your head and give you a concussion!

Were you able to use the '...' to see the replies Jason and I made to your last thread? We both mentioned you can reassign the CC for the controllers.

And since the common assign knobs have their own CC you can unlink a common knob from the super knob and assign a foot pedal CC to control that common knob.

Posted : 20/10/2024 4:26 pm
Posts: 8355
Illustrious Member

Not exactly.  For the OP it made more sense for whatever they were trying to accomplish to assign the external MIDI foot controller to modulate Super Knob and then the two analog foot controllers (FC1 and FC2) can be assigned to anything else since either or both can be assigned as the direct source for any parameter in motion control.  Certainly after decoupling from superknob to avoid two pedals from modulating the same thing.


My suggestion was to leave the analog FC 1&2 alone and use the external MIDI controller to control a common assignable knob.  But the OP has introduced an equally valid variation on theme.  There is actually more flexibility with this variation idea although the pedal used for superknob will change depending if you use completely factory performances vs. home grown ones (that no longer have FC control of SK).  Not an issue if you stick to modified Performances.  More flexibility because you lose no functionality by having a MIDI expression pedal modulate Super Knob.  And then you would not "need" a pedal to modulate the common assignable knobs because FC1 and FC2 are both sources available to every Part's modulation control ("mod control" ).  But if you wanted a 4th (or 5th ... ) expression pedal then you would need to eventually use the common assignable knobs.


There's usually more than one way to get what you want given the myriad options available.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 20/10/2024 5:48 pm

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