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super knob and daw recordings issue.

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if i understand, the super knob information is sent and receive thru channel midi 1 .
that is not the case for another controllers.

in my current project, i was able to record in my daw, the move of a left pedal multi controller for part 2, 4,5 and 8. but not the super knob link to a right pedal.
is that means that i should record and play back in same time the channel 1 with another channels ? when you want to record and playback the super knob the channel 1 should be always in use?
now that i have recorded without the SKnob, if i want to add it for the channel, layer 2 4 5 8, i should record on channel 1 the SKnob while playing backs another channels.

so what ever instrument there is on channel / part 1, when record in a daw, this channel should be always recorded and played back in order for the Sknob to work. am i correct ?

and this is only for the super knobs, another controllers don't have specifics channels ?

Montage 7 classic

Posted : 25/02/2017 2:54 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

The Super Knob and the Scene select buttons are the two global assigned Montage controllers... "global assigned" meaning, they are assigned globally in [UTILITY] and will affect every Performance. All other Assignable controllers are assigned cc numbers on per Performance basis. What you select for Super Knob and for Scenes are documented on channel 1.

I would recommend separating their data to a MIDI Track you leave active at all times. You can in most DAWs extract specific data to its own track... separated from any Note and channel specific messages needed for a tone generator Part linked to that channel.

By separating commands for the Super Knob and Scene change buttons, to a MIDI Track of their own, will allow you to keep them active independent of any musical Part using channel 1.

Hope that makes sense and helps.

Posted : 25/02/2017 6:03 pm
Posts: 450
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Thanks for answer.:)

Montage 7 classic

Posted : 05/03/2017 3:28 pm
Posts: 0
Estimable Member

is this what the so called sysex midi track in the montage recording template in cubase is for ?
how do you record the superknob data to this track?

Posted : 05/03/2017 4:31 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Yes, that is what it is for... in the "Montage Multi Channel Recording" CubasePro Template, it is setup so that Sysex is automatically gathered on the Sysex Track, and each of the 16 MIDI Tracks is set record just one MIDI Channel and exclude all others (via the INPUT TRANSFORMER).

The Montage generates System Exclusive for certain functions... For example, if you set the CC# setting for the Super Knob = "Off" it will generate Sysex. Same for the SCENE button CC#, when set to "Off" a Sysex message is generated. If you select a cc number, then they generate Control Change messages visible on Channel 1.

By keeping these System messages on their own track (makes perfect sense) because they contain data that can address all sixteen Parts.

Posted : 05/03/2017 8:14 pm
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Estimable Member

ok, that explains that mystery. I am quite happy with my setup right now. everything I want to do in cubase is is finally working. no more midi issues... so, what´s in it for me if I try to record the superknob on this sysex track? wilI I be able to edit that data? just asking, before I get into a headache I might not really need....

I did not set the superknob CC setting to off yet and do not know what it is usually set to, all I know so far is that when I try recording something to the sysex track, which I did test one day just to see what this track might be, absolutely nothing happens. worth learning to do or leave it if everything is working well as it is?

Posted : 06/03/2017 10:41 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

ok, that explains that mystery. I am quite happy with my setup right now. everything I want to do in cubase is is finally working. no more midi issues... so, what´s in it for me if I try to record the superknob on this sysex track? wilI I be able to edit that data? just asking, before I get into a headache I might not really need....

I wouldn't recommend editing it... (not as System Exclusive data)... it is the kind of data that if you don't like, you probably should do it over.

The advantage and what it will do for you is: it will allow you keep that track active (or not) independent of the other MIDI Tracks.

Say you've recorded 150 measures of a MULTI PART Performance like "Moving Floor" - try it!
Go to [UTILITY] > "Settings" > "MIDI I/O"
Set Super Knob CC = Off (Off means the Super Knob generates Sysex instead of CC)
Set Scene CC = Off (Off means the Scene buttons generate Sysex instead of CC)
This is a six Part Performance, 8 different Scenes.
Set the QUICK SETUP = Arp Rec on DAW

In Cubase: Set the Sysex and MIDI Tracks 1-6 to Record Ready... using the "Montage multi channel recording" template...
Have fun interacting with the Performance, changing Scenes moving the Super Knob... record a bunch of stuff..
When done BYPASS the Arp: [SHIFT] + [ARP ON/OFF] (flashes)

If you playback the tracks and mute the Sysex Track, your Parts will play but with no Scene changes, no Super Knob movement.
If you want to hear just Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 (arpeggiated FM-X Parts) and you want to hear them follow the Scenes and Super Knob changes, you can by making sure the Sysex Track is active.

Alternatives: if you set Super Knob to CC95, for example, it will Output this Control Change on MIDI Channel 1
If you set Scene to CC92 it will Output this Control Change on MIDI Channel 1

In Cubase, you can separate your Controllers as MIDI Automation - giving it a separate lane under MIDI 01. As a separate lane you can activate and deactivate it using the READ/WRITE option. As CC data the movement can be edited, easily, by redrawing the data. And although the data appears on Channel 1 it will affect all Parts.

Posted : 07/03/2017 12:38 am
Posts: 0
Estimable Member

Hi Bad Mister, I tried but couldn´t do it.
I predicted this would be a headache....

first of all I don´t understand "Set the Sysex and MIDI Tracks 1-6 to Record Ready."
Since when can we record 6 tracks simultaneously? Aren´t we supposed to always record everything to one track and then split it up by channels because Cubase does not filter the input channels?
Anyway, getting absolut chaos when recording 6 tracks at the same time. every track records the same thing, since Cubase does not filter the input channels. see screenshot.

So I tried with one track for all channels and the sysex track.
The sysex track records exactly the same as the midi track.
Muting the sysex track has no effect on superknob movements and scenes.
this is what I get (screenshot)

actually, if you select the quicksetup arp rec after setting the superknob and scenes CC to off, then this automatically goes back to CC 95 and 92. one has to do this the other way round, first select the quick setup and then set CC to off. so my recording was all wrong. I did another one, but no difference: sysex track records the same as midi track and muting it has not effect, the superknob still moves and the scenes change. (screenshot 3, recorded to one track and then split up by channels)

Attached files

Posted : 07/03/2017 12:44 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Aren´t we supposed to always ....

First rule: there is always going to be more than one way to do things. Like almost any artform, music allows many workflows.

Why it doesn't work for you:
The INPUT TRANSFORMER (did you look this up)? Had you you would grasp that the template isolates just a single MIDI Channel and rejects all MIDI channels not equal to the selected one. This means in the full "Pro" version of Cubase you don't have to set the OUT CHANNEL = "ANY" because you have filtered the incoming data through the INPUT TRANSFORMER.

Selecting multiple Tracks: When you work with computers some where along the line you learn to select multiple devices (in this case Tracks) you can "click" to select the first item and then SHIFT-click on the last in the list of items you wish to select.

This template makes it extremely easy for Cubase Pro 9 users to setup to record Montage.

In general, when you run into a new concept and there is something you don't understand or is new to you, use your Documentation to "look up" the term or function. It's not that hard...

From the Steinberg documentation:
The Input Transformer allows you to filter out and change MIDI data coming to a MIDI track before it is recorded.
Use the Input Transformer for the following purposes:
• Set up split keyboard combinations for recording left and right hands
• Convert a controller like a foot pedal into MIDI notes (for playing bass drum the right way).
Filter out a specific type of MIDI data on one MIDI channel only.
• Turn aftertouch into any controller and vice versa.
• Invert velocity or pitch.

Posted : 07/03/2017 1:02 pm
Posts: 0
Estimable Member

screenshot 3

Attached files

Posted : 07/03/2017 1:06 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Do you even have Cubase Pro 9?

Posted : 07/03/2017 1:11 pm
Posts: 0
Estimable Member

No I don´t have Cubase Pro 9. I started out with the AI8 that came with the montage and upgraded to Elements 9.
I got that Montage template with the sysex track with AI8 thow.
So, do I understand this right: no Pro, no input transformer, no sysex track recording?
(it´s ok, I can live without it, I was just playing around to learn something new)

Posted : 07/03/2017 3:11 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

So, do I understand this right: no Pro, no input transformer, no sysex track recording?

That is correct. As you can expect, the full version does have more elegant features. I thought you had Cubase Pro. Sorry for the confusion.

I got that Montage template with the sysex track with AI8 thow.

That's interesting that it is included without the Input Transformer to make it work. (Hmmm!). You would need to manually move the Sysex data there... I'll have to look into that process.

Posted : 07/03/2017 3:15 pm
Posts: 0
Estimable Member

yes, that template made for Pro probably should not come with AI8...

Posted : 07/03/2017 4:19 pm

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