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Support for AU plugins not just VST3

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Everyone has their preferred DAW and to My understanding, there will be a plugin editor for the Montage. The plugins that was for the Motif,MOXF series only provided VST3 for DAW's that supported it. The plugin should Universally support all DAWS if possible. I understand that there is a competition but there should be some diplomacy of discretion towards the consumer and end user so that they can take full advantage of what Montage has to offer regardless of what DAW they use.
It odd you have Cubase compatible on the Apple OS X system but won't support AU that apart of OS X.

My request is if Yamaha can make VST3 plugin for the Montage in Apples OS X AU.

Posted : 20/05/2016 12:22 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Harold wrote:

Everyone has their preferred DAW and to My understanding, there will be a plugin editor for the Montage. The plugins that was for the Motif,MOXF series only provided VST3 for DAW's that supported it. The plugin should Universally support all DAWS if possible. I understand that there is a competition but there should be some diplomacy of discretion towards the consumer and end user so that they can take full advantage of what Montage has to offer regardless of what DAW they use.
It odd you have Cubase compatible on the Apple OS X system but won't support AU that apart of OS X.

My request is if Yamaha can make VST3 plugin for the Montage in Apples OS X AU.

Harold, thankfully you have been misinformed. No Editor has yet been announced. The S90 XS/S70 XS, MOX, Motif-Rack XS, Motif XS/XF and MOXF all have VST3 Editors... what was announced for the Montage was a VST/AU utility that will allow users of different DAWs to accomplish the routing and capture functions of the instrument.

It is easy to say "Editor", but that word was not used. That is not to say that an Editor will not eventually be available. But that was not what was officially announced for later this year... With version 1.20 there will be a VST/AU component - this will store and recall Montage setups in your favorite DAW. Mentioned so far were Cubase, Logic Pro, Sonar, Live, Performer, Studio One

*Later this year* (in answer to the anticipated 'next question')

VST (as a technology) was invented by Steinberg back in the mid 1990s (before the Yamaha acquisition) - to have the VST3 compatibility for our products dating back more than a decade was a no-brainer... It really does advance the software/hardware integration. It is a compelling protocol and has some distinct advantages - lowering CPU usage, that's why it was supported in all our pro synths (except MX) for the past 11 years of product. Don't hate the player... But to your point, if the others won't come to the mountain... It is anticipated this new Montage utility "component" will work for a wide variety of (slow to adopt) DAWs. ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted : 20/05/2016 1:31 pm
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Thankfully you are here to give as accurate Info or actual facts based on VST3/AU Utility just piggy backing of the last termed used for the last MOTIF/MOFX plugin edition.

Could you clarify what would be the difference between The Utility and Editor in general terms, even though you mention the editor is speculative at the moment.


Posted : 20/05/2016 4:17 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

An Editor, like the MOXF Editor VST/Standalone or Motif XF Editor VST/Standalone, are not just VST interfaces, they are full parameter editors and librarians for creating sounds from scratch. This VST-AU component will obviously not be a full parameter interface, but simply enable managing (storing/recalling) current setups on your computer DAW and allow for advanced signal routing.

Posted : 20/05/2016 4:23 pm
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Thank you BM all is weighted in gold for your clarification appreciation from a newbie.

Posted : 21/05/2016 12:16 am
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It's really up to other DAW manufacturers to finally support the VST3 platform. As BM stated, it's not like it's brand new!

Some plugin vendors support VST on Windows, but not on Mac. Others support AU (and therefore Mac) only. Then there's RTAS (Pro Tools), AAX and the whole can of worms of plugin support for Linux (yes, there are Linux DAWs).

I use Ableton Live so cannot use the Yamaha VST Editors. I can use them in Cubase,Studio One, Reaper, etc. but I prefer using Live and will not give up what Live offers just to host the editor. So guess what, I do without the editor and go make music.

You should address your complaint to the DAW manufacturers if they do not support VST3.

Posted : 22/05/2016 1:46 pm
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Brain I am not concerned about your opinion there may be others that see it the way I do.

You said some that may not mean all so that point of statement is partially flawed, Some plugin vendors support VST on Windows, but not on Mac. Others support AU (and therefore Mac) only. Then there's RTAS (Pro Tools), AAX and the whole can of worms of plugin support for Linux (yes, there are Linux DAWs) ,
but most or majority of vender do.

Another point nowhere within in this Discussion did BM state according to (It's really up to other DAW manufacturers to finally support the VST3 platform. As BM stated, it's not like it's brand new!) and you not cleared on ( it's not like it's brand new!) what the Montage or VST/AU sound like your rambling.

My request is if Yamaha can make VST3 plugin for the Montage in Apples OS X AU.
Harold, thankfully you have been misinformed. No Editor has yet been announced. The S90 XS/S70 XS, MOX, Motif-Rack XS, Motif XS/XF and MOXF all have VST3 Editors... what was announced for the Montage was a VST/AU utility that will allow users of different DAWs to accomplish the routing and capture functions of the instrument.

Here BM is stating in short that there will be VST/AU Utility then goes on

It is easy to say "Editor", but that word was not used. That is not to say that an Editor will not eventually be available. But that was not what was officially announced for later this year... With version 1.20 there will be a VST/AU component - this will store and recall Montage setups in your favorite DAW. Mentioned so far were Cubase, Logic Pro, Sonar, Live, Performer, Studio One.

So MB Implies in short there may be an Editor liken unto the Motif/MOFX Plugin which he did not rule out Mac Audio units, which indicates that Yamaha may be moving into to this direction it was a speculative statement on BM part nothing confirmed.

Why would they not (Yamaha) create a software plugin for their hardware (Montage) that will support most Major DAW's, most software Synth maker do being it's geared towards onstage performance saving the performers hours of tedious work.

In fact the competition Korg, Kronos work station has implemented support for it Hardware via Plugin editor.

KRONOS X/Editor/Plug-In Editor

The KRONOS Editor and KRONOS Plug-in Editor are applications for Macintosh and Windows that allow you to edit the KRONOS's Set List, Combination, Program, Wave Sequence, Drum, and Global settings, as well as Sequencer mode sounds and effects for multi-timbral use (editing of MIDI and audio data is not supported).

Let deal with Facts that are being stated and not for the sake of to sound good. Yamaha should not try to lock one into Cubase (VST3) via Hardware manipulation via software that ludicrous for a product that about $3000

Posted : 23/05/2016 4:01 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

No one is trying to "lock you in", clearly that is a problem in your view, from your perception. Yamaha purchased Steinberg back in 2004, it was only natural to use the latest technology, VST3, from the inventor of the technology for the Yamaha Synths of that time. That should not be difficult for you to imagine. Given those parameters that's what would be done. No?

Frankly, the "conspiracy theory" point of view says that Yamaha is trying to "lock" someone into using Steinberg because we own it. I don't believe in the conspiracy theory point of view. I do admit that, if you are prone to paranoia, it can certainly look that way.

But in fact, if it is at all appealing and hopefully it is compelling enough so as to draw some new users to what we saw as a perfect solution. But to think we are not developing other platforms because of sinister reasons, No way! We are promoting, in the most *positive way*, the tools we have. Period.

VST is an open protocol, Steinberg allows anyone to use it. They introduced the whole concept of plugins back in the mid 90s. Developing software is not always an easy thing and it developed in many different directions. And all these other formats (variations on the original theme) that followed are hoops for programmers to have to deal with. I'm sure there are legitimate reasons for each type to exist... if not, then look for your conspiracy there.

In fact, last I checked Yamaha is a hardware company. So it would not be Yamaha developing software solutions for AU, AAX, RTAS, etc. Unlike MIDI, unfortunately, this alphabet soup is a result of manufacturers NOT getting together and agreeing (but software is a very different battleground from hardware). The miracle of MIDI extending across brands is so much more *special* when you see the confusion in software plugin formats and audio formats.

As to whether there is a Montage Editor in the works... I don't know of anything specifically. I wanted to make clear that what was announced was not an Editor. When Yamaha releases new hardware there are bound to be third parties who see an opportunity to create solutions for various platforms. This has happened in the past, and I see no reason to think it will not happen here.

Until your particular software DAW supports what's available, you can blame anyone or anything you want. But there is no conspiracy. VST3 just happened to be in-house tech, in the case of the previous synths and their vst3 compatible editors.

If you are using a Pro DAW you can usually accomplish this advanced External Instrument routing situation manually, again this depends on the DAW. From a hardware manufacturer's point of view, we want every customer to use whatever software they find useful. One reason (one really big reason) we purchased Steinberg because we couldn't abide the PC/Mac split. Cubase works on either of the two main platforms. Just because you recorded at home on a Mac why should you not be able to take your Project to a studio that uses a PC - really, it shouldn't matter. Same twelve notes... And this should never be an issue for Linux users... There is only a problem if you choose to use Linux not knowing it is the wildcard, third platform.

At any rate, the announced component will be VST/AU compatible. It is not a full editor, it will improve integration with a wide variety of software. Hopefully, yours. Conspiracy theories are for the movies. ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted : 23/05/2016 5:10 pm
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From the post Motif to Montage Tutorial mentioned. posted on April 6 2016

Is there a VST Editor for the Montage that I can use with Cubase?
There is a VST/AU Editor in the works. It probably will not be available until Summer time. Until that time, if you are using Cubase Pro 8 (or any of the top of the line versions of Cubase) you can address it using VST routing by creating an EXTERNAL INSTRUMENT. You can expect a tutorial here on YAMAHASYNTH that will step you through setting this up until the VST Editor is completed and released.

Those using just Cubase AI, will need to wait for the VST Editor to take advantage of advanced routing.

In another month would be summer time June 20 if you have Cubase AI out of luck until then unless you purchase Cubase 8,5 pro or Artist. We sure have a lot of option here WOW.

Posted : 23/05/2016 11:12 pm
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Do not know why you removed my post in regards to you comments about conspiracy theories. Childish

Posted : 24/05/2016 12:38 am
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Harold wrote:

...... Childish

Said Mr. Pot to Mr. Kettle

Posted : 24/05/2016 1:27 am
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Sound good LGM a leading prima donna

Posted : 24/05/2016 4:36 am
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Harold wrote:

Sound good LGM a leading prima donna

If you say so, Resident Whiner.

Posted : 24/05/2016 1:30 pm
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Last time I will address this for those who make it their own personal agenda to respond to something I wrote that was not directed at them LGM/Brain. something that not your concern as if your a female and it that time of month.

The first law in Business is to mind yours.

I have the right to whine, complain as I see fit in regards to a product I did a business transaction (purchase) $3000.00 so mind you damn Business and stick to your own affairs. Mines is directed @ Yamaha and it affiliates and it a pleasure not to know you.


Posted : 24/05/2016 2:23 pm

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