Seems like a "second" wave of FM articles here recently. Does this mean FS1R formant, SY99 RCM, or GS-series "cross modulation feedback" (GS's interesting different operator structure), reface DX every operator can feedback, DX7 glissando and other missing features added, SY99 waveform choices, etc ... Just wondering if there's going to be icing on the FM cake to come.
I'm not expecting a real answer. Just thinking/wishing out loud.
The recent behind the synth with Manny had interesting "critique" around the general subject of how Yamaha sometimes leaves technology on the table. Tempered with some discussion about the suits and how there's the competing goal of keeping the boat afloat.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R