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"User Arpeggios can be made from 4 MIDI Tracks" - ever wonder what that really meant? Check out Bad Mister's most recent article:
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Want to add more to your arpeggio-making skills? Check out his two earlier articles:
Arpeggio Making 101 for MONTAGE
Posted : 22/10/2016 3:40 am
thank you, that article is pretty clear and to the point
Posted : 23/10/2016 6:20 pm
Thank you Cassie and Phil
Posted : 23/10/2016 6:30 pm
we can have 8 arps and each arp can have four tracks.
that is means we can have 32 tracks playings together ?/? that is huge :p
Montage 7 classic
Posted : 25/10/2016 2:01 pm
Thank you for this exzellent description.
Posted : 28/01/2017 1:40 pm