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Two Workflows?

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Michael Trigoboff
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Until yesterday, I was learning to use my Montage by creating multi-instrument Performances -- e.g. drums, bass, lead instrument(s). In this situation, I could record MIDI from all of the Parts in the Performance into Cubase in one pass, giving me a MIDI track which could be dissolved into separate Lanes, one for each instrument.

Multi-instrument Performances worked well for me, but involved disabling certain features of the sounds I was using. The Bosendorfer Imperial Grand Piano, for instance, has a relatively complicated Super Knob setup. When I put together my Performance, I imported the 3 Bosendorfer Parts into my new performance. While this worked in some respects, it also disconnected the Super Knob which no longer had an effect on the piano sound.

Thinking about this led me to the idea of a different workflow, and I tried it last night. What I'm doing instead is to record audio into Cubase one instrument at a time. So I recorded a drum track directly to Cubase from a drum Performance, and a bass track and a piano track the same way, each into its own track. When I was recording the piano track I was using the Bosendorfer Imperial Grand Performance, directly from the Library,

Doing it this way, I had every capability of the Bosendorfer available to me. It all worked fine, except that the drums were a bit out of time synch with the rest of the song. I'm going to look into how to fix this problem later today.

My question for the forum is, does this new workflow I've invented for myself make sense? Is there an easier way to do any of this?

Posted : 15/06/2016 12:09 am
Posts: 0
New Member

Michael Trigoboff wrote:

Until yesterday, I was ......

My question for the forum is, does this new workflow I've invented for myself make sense? Is there an easier way to do any of this?

I think the larger question is, does it make sense for you? No two people work the same way.
I'm sure there will be others that will agree but others that will demur and have methods that will make more sense for them. (Not suggesting
that your workflow is wrong...just not for them.)

At the end of the day, if you're getting most of the results you're looking for with little negative impact on your creative process AND with few or no compromises, then your method is #1.
But only you can determine that.

Now, if you're soliciting ideas or want to know how others are discovering workflows that work best for them, I think that would make an excellent permanent topic in here with prominent visibility.

Keep up the great questions too!!

All the best.

Posted : 15/06/2016 3:50 am
Michael Trigoboff
Posts: 0
Honorable Member
Topic starter

I'd be happy to hear what others are figuring out.

Posted : 15/06/2016 4:50 am
Posts: 0
Active Member

I've settled into a hybrid of both workflows. I have a Logic Template with 16 Montage parts preset with "go-to" sounds. I found there are so many great bread and butter single-part performances in Montage it's easy for me to write quickly and also switch out those sounds quickly. I also take some of the multi-part performances I love and reprogram them to single-part performances as best as I can since many parts are only using half of the available elements. And why waste unused elements. Anyway, once I've developed the musical idea enough that I am deciding to use the recorded MIDI parts, I print the Montage parts to audio tracks in Logic so the Montage is freed up.

After my basic part tracks are printed, this is where the fun begins because then I start pulling up my favorite multi-part performances and usually play these live to audio tracks since it's the only way in Logic I can take advantage of the Super Knob.

So I find myself programming (or modifying) a lot of sounds that work well as single-part performances using only the insert effects and not the main/send effects, and I program sounds that I intend to record live that are "ALL IN" with effects and Super Knob.

Posted : 16/06/2016 4:28 pm

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