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What is happening with these forums?

29 Posts
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Are these forums finally working again after several months of being down?

If so, what has happened the to threads display because the ones showing at the top of the Montage forum for me are ancient.


Posted : 21/03/2024 12:40 pm
Posts: 8051
Illustrious Member

I don't know exactly what's happening but, needless to say, the rollout of the new forum has been a more bumpy ride than anticipated.


As far as the threads being old in the Montage category - I don't really know but my guess would be that spam posts have "bumped" old threads.  I do see some jagged edges around the time stamps and what I can see as a user.  It may be possible that deleted posts are still there or otherwise its timestamp still dictates the order of listings under the Montage category even though the post has been deleted.  It's not the only strange thing I see -- but we're all (for now) looking at a forum that Yamaha is not yet willing to present publicly.


The forum won't be officially available until the "FORUM" link at the top banner ("STORY FORUM LEARN APPS ARTISTS") no longer brings you to an annoncement of "forum under construction".


Given the delta between the anticipated rollout of the new forum and the eventual actual date - I'm sure there will be some sort of "News" story (blog) released indicating as much.

Posted : 21/03/2024 5:18 pm
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New Member Guest

If so, what has happened the to threads display because the ones showing at the top of the Montage forum for me are ancient.

It looks like the thread list isn't sorted in any particular order. Previous versions of the 'new' forum presented the list in descending date order and had an option to select the sort order.

As Jason mentioned the new forum isn't really ready for prime time and still needs to go through a lot of cleanup to remove the users and content created during the testing.

Try using the search bar at the top of the page. There is an 'Advanced search options' selection on the right side that allows you to select a date range and forums to search.

Posted : 22/03/2024 1:13 am
Posts: 97
Estimable Member

This forum upgrade has been quite an embarrassment for Yamaha IMHO. Just how many months does it take a skilled web team to get this done? There's clearly something else going on that we're not privy to. In my 40+ years in IT I've never seen anything like it. And what's worse is that there's almost zero communication from Yamaha about it. When things like this happen, one thing you always do is communicate to your user base. Yamaha has not. 

This forum is one of the primary support mechanisms for Yamaha synth products. How could they let this be broken for this long? What's it been, almost 3 months now? 

Posted : 22/03/2024 3:42 am
Blake Angelos
Posts: 204
Member Admin

We are in the process of testing and hope to have something working soon. Apologies for the wait. 

Posted : 22/03/2024 5:51 pm
Christopher reacted
Posts: 97
Estimable Member

Kudos to you Blake. You're about the only Yamaha employee that's taken the time to communicate about the forum issues. And I don't believe that's even your direct area of responsibility. 😀 

Looking forward to getting back to meaningful discussions about the Montage M (of which I own two)!



Posted : 23/03/2024 4:39 am
Blake Angelos
Posts: 204
Member Admin



I posted an article announcing the reopening of the Forum. It is a different engine so you will notice some differences.

Posted : 27/03/2024 7:12 pm
Posts: 97
Estimable Member

Good to know....


You might want to remove the forum down message still posted here:





Posted : 28/03/2024 3:00 am
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

You might want to remove the forum down message still posted here:

My testing shows that message appears using FireFox but not Chrome and I reported that.

Also, if you are NOT logged in you get a different list of 'Recent Posts' if you use FireFox but the correct list if you use Chrome.

So there seem to be some browser related differences that their testers may have missed.


Posted : 28/03/2024 5:57 pm
Blake Angelos
Posts: 204
Member Admin

I believe that is how it works. Being logged in allows you to see the most recent posts. 

Posted : 28/03/2024 6:28 pm
Christopher reacted
Blake Angelos
Posts: 204
Member Admin

Looking into this. That is a direct link that is active but not listed. You can enter the forum now and not see that message when selecting "FORUM" at the top. 

Posted : 28/03/2024 6:29 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I believe that is how it works. Being logged in allows you to see the most recent posts.

. . .

You can enter the forum now and not see that message when selecting "FORUM" at the top.

Sorry - but as I said earlier what you say above is NOT true if you are using a new Firefox session. I just retested using 115.8.0esr (32-bit)

1. no browser windows are open

2. use using Firefox (tested using 115.8.0esr (32-bit)

3. select 'Recent Posts' - you see a list that does NOT include the latest posts

4. select FORUM - it displays the 'under construction message

5. log in

6. select 'Recent Posts' - you now see the correct list of latest posts

Using Chrome does not manifest the above behavior.

I'm not suggesting that is a 'show stopper' - just trying to report there are still some browser related issues.


Posted : 28/03/2024 8:38 pm
Stu reacted
Posts: 136
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I’ve just stumbled back onto here and noticed there were replies to my post. I had no idea as I’ve not received any email notificiations.

I hope they have fixed a couple of issues I always had with the old forums:-

1) If I logged in and browsed the forums and then closed my browser, it would always require me to log in again the next time I visited.

2) I never received any email notifications when there were replies to threads I was subscribed to.


Posted : 13/04/2024 8:17 am
Posts: 136
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According to my profile I’m not subscribed to any threads on these forums so I suspect I will not get emails. I can see an option to subscribe to new threads but that seems to be an all or nothing option. I can’t see an option to automatically subscribe to threads that I create.

I haven’t closed my browser yet so not tested the other main gripe 


Posted : 13/04/2024 8:54 am
Posts: 136
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Topic starter

Just closed and immediately reopened my ios Edge browser and I had to log in again so no difference at all from the original version of these forums.



Posted : 13/04/2024 9:01 am
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