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Yamaha montage and FL studio 20 issues in midi communication

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I had choose FL studio because of his ui compatibility with multi aftertouch screen. Is there somebody who have experiences with montage and FL studio.

FL studio won’t recognize the midi controller of the Montage. It is not a montage issue but an FL studio Issue I presume. I could set properly montage and cubasis . Work like a charme. Audio record from montage to FL studio is fine but not the midi. When set to midi record to daw, I can play keyboard and record and hear the sound and notes from montage thru Fl studio, but the led of super knob doesn’t move, like it does when the daw don’t send back the midi ( midi thru in cubasis) I think my chance would be that somebody use FL studio in this forum. 

Posted : 06/06/2024 3:00 pm
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Posts: 8147
Illustrious Member

Sounds reasonable that midi through is either not on or maybe the MIDI out from FL studio is set to an incorrect channel.  If you have the Montage in multi channel MIDI mode then you'll also want to DAW the echoed MIDI data back on the same channels they came in as from the DAW's MIDI in.  On Cubase you would set the channel to "any" to make this happen.   Not sure how FL studio works off the cuff 


And then there's the less likely scenario that you have superknob configured as SysEx (not CC) which would put you in the "line of fire" of another common issue which is turning on SysEx support in the DAW.   Lots of times the DAW defaults to ignore SysEx.  I'm not thinking you necessarily have this issue but it's thrown in the pile of generic possibilities.


Hope someone with FL + Montage(or MODX) experience can give more direct help 

Posted : 09/06/2024 9:43 am

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