The audition on some single instruments are so bad that it is looked at as sloppy work from your side.
Some auditions goes way to fast and sounds really bad. Others that have been set to mono with legato, only sounds legato and is destroying the sound..
it is like the performance have the wrong arp.
This is not the way you sell music hardware. It really feels like a sloppy job and that you dont care.
Please go thru the auditions on all sounds and correct them on the next update.
It could be you, just saying.
Can you list one such Factory Performance?
Or It could be you, just saying.
I can list many. But It would be better that you guys go thru and listen on the Auditions/arps that is on them.
A couple of examples:
kick bass legato
Bass & comp!
Boogie A legato RB
Others play way too fast.
I have 1.51.1
"Kick Bass Legato" does seem like an interesting demo which doesn't showcase what A.SW1 does. I can understand it not moving through superknob (because although it's setup - the effect is subtle). However, the legato phrase chosen only demonstrates one type of articulation (not the fingered sound). So certainly this could have been a bit better.
I don't notice these because I have audition lock turned ON and do not use the feature. Generally, I'll do my own audition which goes through buttons, knobs, mod wheel, ribbon, legato vs. staccato vs. chord vs. single note, etc. That said - it would be nice for the implementation of audition to be more consistent where different aspects of the performance are demonstrated rather than a single dimension of the performance.
"Bass & Comp!" doesn't offer different articulations - so from that perspective it's OK. But it shares the lack of detail in that A.SW1 is not demonstrated nor is Superknob. In this case, Superknob does change the sound a lot.
Even though ribbon can be used to affect the sound - I'd assume auditions stay away from using ribbon. This is because there's no light or indicator that ribbon is being invoked - so I'd rather auditions stick with observable gestures leaving mod wheel + ribbon + pitch bend up to the user to explore. Either that or involve the touch-screen with a view which shows all controls and lights up a square under "RB", "MW", etc.. to show movement on these controllers is what is affecting the sound. That's pie-in-the-sky.
"Boogie A Legato RB" even seems to use the same MIDI file for the audition. It shares the same kind of lack of detail as above. Here - even if A.SW1 was turned on/off (it isn't) - we would not hear a change. The change when using A.SW1 comes with using a detached (staccato) articulation and does not sound with legato playing.
I do see what Timo is seeing in these performances. Since they are very related (even seemingly using the same MIDI file for the audition) - it seems one could generate a better shared audition file which would demonstrate detached + superknob + A.SW1
Seems like reasonable feedback that the audition quality could be improved in some of the performances. Given this falls into the (enhanced) documentation bucket - priority doesn't seem incredibly high - but useful feedback regardless.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Mind you. These were just a couple of examples. Not all of them.
The auditions or arps that is connected to the performances should not be a slur of indistinguishable notes playing, nor should it be too fast that a chipmunk could sing along.
It is like less care went to some of the singel performances. That is unfortunate.
It is not yamaha quality.
??? He gave 3 factory examples.
Picking one of the 3:
"Bass & Comp!"
... or pick any of the other two. It's a reasonable short-list to load each and press the audition button to see if the 15 second (or so) loop - while watching controls for any movement (none I could see) is up to par.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R