... AND - if the external controller OCTAVE - "trick" doesn't work for you
... AND - if the FM-X carrier ratio "trick" doesn't work for you for FM-X
You also have the option of adjusting AWM2 more than -24.
1) Set AWM2 PART (whichever one you want -36 for example) to note shift -24 under "Common" settings
2) Go to every Element (1-8) that is ON and set its own "Osc/Tune" coarse tuning to -12. The limit on elements is +/-48.
This adds up to -36.
So your min/max for AWM2 when combining with element coarse tuning is -72 minimum and +72 maximum.
This is the AWM2 equivalent to the FM-X suggestion for extending shift range.
When combined with the external octave trick, AWM2 can go from minimum window of [-96 to +48] or maximum window of [-48 to +96] still allowing other parts to stay at non-transposed.
You have a whole bag full of options available to get past this roadblock.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Note: realize the Kawai doesn't have transpose or octave. There, you'll have to use other available methods without employing the external keyboard trick. Keep in mind using the Kawai VPC1 as a MIDI controller for a synth to do "synth stuff" is far outside of the entire point of having a VPC1. You can use the equipment as you wish, but lack of mod wheel and pitch bend, any buttons at all except power - are fairly good signs that the VPC1 is not intended to be used as any kind of master controller for synth tasks.
It's main focus is just to play piano. One sound. A singular focus to recreate the experience, as accurately as possible, of being in front of an acoustic piano.
Since there aren't any buttons - you cannot use it to switch performances like a traditional master controller can. It doesn't make any sounds itself - so it's no good as a slave. VPC = Virtual PIANO controller. If you're using it for FM-X, that's painting outside the lines. It aligns with my using a screwdriver as a hammer comment. You can do it, but wear gloves so it doesn't hurt so much when you hit your hand with the screwdriver.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Wow Jason I'm drunk from your answere :--). Ok ok is there a workaroun and ok ....vpc1 is for home training and outside I've to decide if I use my montage 7 or if I buy a new light 88 master keyboard to drive montage.....in this time I'm tring to set montage to use it in single mode with master that I doesn't know.....maybe korg kross, maybe sl88 studio or maybe I whaiting for some other better light 88 controller....
Single mode should be fine - no reason to override the MIDI channel since I've outlined ways for both FM-X and AWM2 to break the +/-24 semi-tone barrier without using any external controller octave shifting (you can keep using the VPC1 and use these tricks).
External controllers that are a better match for a synth gives you another degree of freedom to further extend the octave shifting either another two octaves down, or another two octaves up (one or the other) in addition to the FM-X/AWM2 tricks.
My goal here is for you to get what you need out of the keyboard in the short-term as limitations may be over-stated. i encourage rolling up those sleeves and getting your Montage programmed into submission.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R