I'd like to add 1 or 2 effects to a guitar voice in my performance, such as flanger or delay. What is the procedure, please? I find the manual pretty incomprehensible.
Thank you.
Which Motif (original, ES, XS, XF) do you have? I ask because this is the "Motif Series" area.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
For your MODX (other posts have been about MODX) - here is the manual section for that:
Since the routing should mostly be already setup correctly, you can start by touching the "InsA" tab (standing for Insertion Effect A) and then change the type to a flanger. And then go to the InsB tab and change the type to a delay or an amplifier model (distortion section) to simulate a cabinet.
The finer-grained settings are on this screen as well if you need to adjust the timing, depth, etc.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Thanks for this, but actually this is for my old Motif 6 classic original, which I also use.
With the original Motif (2001), you had VOICE mode (this is where the deep programming takes place). You would call up the Guitar in Voice mode; you can program two Insertion Effects to the Voice.
Insertion Effects can be assigned (real time) controllers allowing you control how the effects behave while you play. [STORE] your Voice to the User Bank.
When you create your Performance, you can select your newly created User Bank Guitar as one of the four Parts.
In your Performance
Press [EDIT]
Press [F6] EFFECT
Set the “EFF PART” = to the Part containing your Guitar with its two Insertion Effects.
Back two decades ago, only one Part could recall its dual Insertion Effects, the so called “Effect Part” … unlike your MODX where 12 Parts can recall their Insertion Effects, or the MONTAGE where all 16 Parts can recall their dual Insertion Effects.
Additional Effects (System Effects)
All four Parts of the Performance can send signal to the Reverb and Chorus processors. You can use these two Effects for your Performance and you can decide which Parts will SEND signal to them.