Everytime I open up Cubase essential 8 (Mac OS) with Motif XF8 and the Motif XF VST plugin/Fire Wire I will have to open the Device Setup and
make MOTIF XF8 Main L/R Visible. Then I have to remap the devices to the Input/output ports.
Why does Cubase not remember these setting from one session to another??
It's a bit tedious having to redefine these everytime.
Tankfull for any help on this
Hi Dag,
You will have to help me here... I've never heard of "Cubase Essential 8" (?) are you sure that is the program you are using.
I remember an Essential 5, and there is an Elements 8 but I do not know an Essential 8... perhaps that the problem.
Let us know what version of Cubase (exactly), and we can get you up and running...
Sorry, Cubase LE AI Elements 8.
MacBook Pro (13 tum, mid 2012)
Please see the following setup guide:
Motif XF Yamaha Steinberg FW Setup Macintosh
If you get stuck or have questions, post back here.
Hi, I updated the FW driver from 1.7.3 to 1.7.4 I deselected the FW driver as default device in the sound manager.
Started Cubase, selected the device as visible, added the L/R channel to en Stereo input port.
Saved, Quit Cubase, Restarted Cubase but the device was again not "visible".
Hi again,
I think I got it. In the MOTIF XF VST ->File->VSTi Setup I had selected all Audio ports (but 13,14) to the Motif itself, Including Motif XF8 Mail L/R.
So I guess that Cubase upon startup prioritize those settings and therefore makes those ports "Invisible" in the device list, since they are occupied.
So I guess that Cubase upon startup prioritize those settings and therefore makes those ports "Invisible" in the device list, since they are occupied.
No. You must tell it what you want. Please see if you can follow the articles for setup. Seems you are making settings unnecessarily. You do not want your ports "invisible".
Seems you have selected a template. Are you sure this template reflects what you want to do?
If you are working with the free version, make sure you launch Cubase AI.