I am having a difficult time setting up cubase to network with my motif xf8... Please help... I have a headache from trying to configure this ...
I already have cubase installed on my computer, I am having a hard time getting my laptop to recognize the motif visa versa
Hi Johnny,
First we moved your post from the reface forum to the Motif XF where it is more appropriate. For help with setting up Cubase AI you'll need to provide information about what type of computer you have and what you have accomplished so far.
Have you successfully downloaded and installed Cubase AI on your computer?
Did you register it and make a MySteinberg Account?
How are you connecting the XF to your computer?
Do you have an Audio Interface?
Do you have a pair of monitor speakers connected to your Motif XF?
Let us know.
Thank You for responding. My computer is a Lenovo yoga 2 with windows 8.1 and OS 64bit. Cubase is installed. it is registered. connected with USB cord. Not sure about audio interface. and yes I have monitor speakers are connected to Motif. The computer and board wont connect. the computer is seeing the keyboard. when I go to devices attached to my computer is sees the motif but under the device says driver unavailable.
You need to download and install a driver for the computer to be able to interpret the data coming from your Motif XF.
The outputs of your Motif XF are connected to your monitor speakers.
The Motif XF is connected to the computer via USB, this takes care of MIDI between the two devices.
We asked about an audio interface, its role in all of this is to handle Audio communication between the XF and your computer. If your goal is record audio - for making wav files, MP3 files, for creating audio for CD creation etc. you will need an audio interface.
Basically, it's job is to get audio into and back out of the computer in what is called a "low latency" manner. Currently, without an audio interface you can setup and record only MIDI data to and from the computer. This requires you download and install the Yamaha "USB-MIDI driver" for Windows 8.1
You can find this at http://download.yamaha.com
Please see the following step-by-step Setup Guide:
Motif XF USB-MIDI Setup for Windows