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mix track

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hello, when i use the divide drum track job then make some edits and then use mix track to put the kit back together all my editing disappears and the kit goes back to its original state, can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? thank you

Posted : 03/09/2014 3:56 pm
Posts: 30

Did you save the MIX before executing the the Mix Track function?
Let us know and we can go from there...

Posted : 03/09/2014 9:01 pm
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yes i did save it, i think i know what my problem is, mix track job i don't think i know how to use it correctly. could you please explain how it works?

Posted : 04/09/2014 2:11 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Mix Track
• Press [JOB]
• Press [F5] TRACK
• Select JOB 03: MIX TRACK
This Job lets you take data from the source track and combine it with data on the destination track. It does this without deleting the source track and it merges the data with existing data on the destination (target) track. Because the source track data remains you can delete it separately or keep it to combine it with another track.

If you have used Divide Drum Track to split your separate Drums to individual Tracks, you will notice if you Press [F4] PATCH - that the data has been written into new individual Phrases (identified by the Phrase No. (number)). When you highlight a Phrase it becomes the "source".

If you have data on tracks 3 and 4 and you highlight Track 3, when you select the MIX TRACK [JOB] the setup dialog box will assume you want to MIX the data on Track 3 with some other data. Set the second destination Track - the data you wish to combine it with (say track 4). When completed the data in Track 3 and the data in Track 4 will be combined to 4 (the data in track 3 will still exist as it was originally).

The significance of this is that the data on the target destination track will be set to play from a single XF PART. The Divide Drum Track allows you the luxury of trying different individual sounds for your pattern. So if the drum instrument is not available in the Kit assigned to the current PART - you must "EDIT" the Kit. You must assign the Drum sound to the appropriate KEY in the destination PART.

For example, say you have Snare Drum on Track 3, and Hand Claps on Track 4.
Before you executed the DIVIDE DRUM TRACK, the Snare and Hand Clap sound were in the same KIT.
And when you divided them - that same Kit was assigned to all tracks with data.
You might decide to try out some other Kits - changing the KIT doing the Hand Clap sound, this means you will probably want to combine the Snare and new Hand Clap KEYs to one KIT if you are going to MIX the TRACK data (make sense?) ...

Copying the snare and/or the hand claps to the same Kit is the other half of this equation. This is accomplished by Copying instruments within the Drum Kit.

Each KEY in a Drum kit is a separate instrument - with its own volume, pan position, routing to the effects, tuning, envelope, filters, etc. And if you like drum sounds from different kits you need to copy the KEY (which contains the instrument sound you want to the KIT you will use for this composition).

So depending on what you have done to the data while "divided" will determine what you need to do with the KIT's assigned Drum Keys. Hope that make sense. We are not really clear on what you are attempting to do.

Mixing Track - only affects the MIDI events on the Tracks of the sequencer
If you are triggering drum/percussion sounds that do not originally exist in the one KIT, you will need to COPY the KEY (instrument) into a custom Kit. This new Kit will contain the Waveform to match the MIDI note map of the merged MIDI data in the Track.

COPY is a [JOB] that is found when you are editing a DRUM KIT VOICE in VOICE mode. While in EDIT on the DRUM Kit, press [JOB] > [F3] COPY. You can set to COPY a KEY from any Kit to any KEY in your current Kit.

Posted : 05/09/2014 6:54 am
Posts: 0
Eminent Member
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thanks a million for the detailed explanation, really appreciate it.

Posted : 05/09/2014 2:35 pm

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